Chanukah Jeopardy FoodFunHistoryLightsMiscellaneous
Traditionally, on Chanukah, we eat foods made in this
These treats represent the gold coins once used as gifts
The Hebrew term for potato pancakes
The English name for sufganiyot
Jelly donuts
There is a custom of eating dairy on Chanukah in honor of this heroine
What landing on Gimel means when playing dreidel
Get the whole pot
The English meaning of “Nes Gadol Haya Sham” – what the letters on the dreidel stand for
A Great Miracle Happened There
What the Jews were really doing when the Syrian Greeks saw them playing dreidel
Studying Torah
The Hebrew name for dreidel (yup that’s actually Yiddish)
This Hebrew letter only appears on a dreidel made in Israel
Pey (instead of Shin)
The length of time the small amount of oil found in the Temple lasted
Eight Days
The English definition of “Maccabee”, the nickname given to the family who led the revolt
This Helenistic king ordered that the Second Temple become a pagan shrine
This is how many years passed between the outlawing of Jewish practice and the end of the revolt
Three Years
The year that the Maccabean revolt Ended, leading to the recapture and cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem
165 BCE
The name of the candle used to light the others on Chanukah
The number of blessings recited on the first night of Chanukah
This is the direction we light the candles on Chanukah
From left to right
The type of oil used to light the Ner Tamid (eternal flame) in the Temple
Olive Oil
This is the total number of candles used during the holiday of Chanukah
Forty four
The English translation of the word “Chanukah”
This actor/musician wrote a Chanukah song about Jews in Hollywood
Adam Sandler
The name of the Hebrew month in which Chanukah begins
What the dreidel is made out of In the popular children’s song
This Jewish musician shares a name with the father of the Maccabees