Latin America and Europe.  What is nationalism?  Did you watch the Olympic games? Who did you root for/watch? Why? How is your loyalty to Americans.


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Presentation transcript:

Latin America and Europe

 What is nationalism?  Did you watch the Olympic games? Who did you root for/watch? Why? How is your loyalty to Americans in the Olympics a form of nationalism?  Nationalism: The belief that people should be loyal mainly to their nation- that is, to the people with whom they share a culture and history- rather than to a king or empire.

 What are 3 things that may influence Latin Americans to want their independence?  What countries run Latin America?  How does the Enlightenment influence Latin American Revolutions? What are some Enlightenment ideas that would inspire people to revolt?

Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos Mulattos Africans Indians

 Peninsulares and Creoles: 22.9% of the population  Mulattos: 7.6%  Mestizos: 7.3%  Africans: 6.4%  Indians: 55.8%

Homework  Worksheet 7-3

 Under French rule Saint Domingue 1 st to achieve independence  500,000 enslaved Africans worked on French plantations in Saint Domingue Masters used brutal methods to terrorize slaves  French Revolution 100,000 enslaved Africans rise up in August of 1791 Toussaint L’Ouverture becomes the leader of the revolt

 Former slave  1801 Toussaint has control of island Frees all enslaved Africans  January ,000 French troops come to remove Toussaint Toussaint agrees to halt revolution if slavery is ended Seized and sent to prison  Dies here in April 1803  Toussaint’s 2 nd in command takes over and continues revolution Gains independence on January 1, 1804 Names the country Haiti which means “mountainous lands”

 Who are the creoles?  Why would they revolt if they are not as oppressed as others? Role of Napoleon and his brother Joseph

 Argentinean- Where is Argentina? Fought in Spain against Napoleon and returned to Latin America to fight for independence there Argentina independent in 1816, but Spanish forces in Peru and Chile are still a threat  Why would these country’s threaten Argentina’s independence? Joined with Simon de Bolivar to from an army that defeated the Spanish and helped gain Latin American countries their independence

 Venezuela- Declares independence from Spain in 1811  After winning independence for Venezuela, moves on to fight for independence in other Latin American countries  Wanted to unite all of the Latin American countries into one- Gran Columbia  What South American country is named after him?

 From the United States Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin Wants a United States of South America  From Europe John Locke Thomas Paine Voltaire Baron de Montesquieu Rousseau

 Indians and mestizos play the leading role in calling for freedom  Padre Miguel Hidalgo Firmly believed in Enlightenment ideals Calls for a fight for independence and his Indian and mestizo parishioners follow him. Defeated by the army in 1811, but the seed is planted for revolution  Jose Maria Morelos takes over the revolution

 Worksheet 7-4