Haitian Revolution 1791 - 1803 1791 – a slave revolt starts revolution 1803 Dessalines wins war and French troops leave.


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Presentation transcript:

Haitian Revolution – a slave revolt starts revolution 1803 Dessalines wins war and French troops leave

Use correct geographical names: Region: The Caribbean, West Indies Island of Hispaniola Saint-Domingue as a French colony Haiti - as an independent nation

As a French colony.. it was the richest colony in the West Indies at the time it produced sugar, coffee, cocoa, indigo, tobacco, cotton, fruits and vegetable for the mother colony - France forced labor in the form of slavery and fertile soil made it possible

Social/Racial Division Whites Free people of color Black slaves Maroons How did the social structure of Haitian Society contribute to the Haitian Revolution? Need more info to answer the question?

Social/Racial Divsion 88% of the population = slaves = 500,000 7% of the population = whites = 20, ,000 5% of the population = free blacks = 30,000 free blacks: 2.5% mulattos = 15,000

Whites - mostly French Planters = Wealthy plantation owners Unhappy with French revolution because they are not represented in the new government In favor of slavery, against mercantilist laws that regulated trade Petit Blancs = Artistans, shop keepers, merchants Less independence-minded and more loyal to France Also approved of slavery

Free People of Color - gens de colour 1/2 mulattoes = children of white Frenchmen and black slave women - manumission was granted very wealth owned plantations and slaves adopted French culture over African culture, well educated, Catholic not Voodoo sought the same rights as wealthy whites

The Black Slaves Slaves outnumbered free people by ,000 domestic slaves - more loyal to their masters 400,000 field slaves - treated very cruelly The Maroons Large group of run-away slaves who retreated deep into the mountains of Saint-Domingue

The Exclusif The French enforced the Exclusif - a mercantilist law - required that Saint-Domingue to sell 100% of her exports to France alone, and purchase 100% of her imports from France alone. The French merchants and crown set the prices for both imports and exports, and the prices were extraordinarily favorable to France and in no way competitive with world markets. It was virtually the same system as that which England had forced on its North American colonies and which finally sparked the independence movement in these colonies. There was a growing independence movement, and in this movement the white planters were united with the free people of color. It was a curious alliance, since the whites continued to oppress the free people of color in their social life, but formed a coalition with them on the political and economic front. Source: n1.htm (Excellent!) n1.htm

1791- slave revolt Why is this a perfect time? Consider: division between Whites and Free Blacks Events in France

What’s going on in France? French Revolution Napoleonic Era

The French Revolution produced Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen 1789 “Article 1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may only be founded upon the general good.” “ The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptibly rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression ”

Haitian Revolution began as a slave revolt in 1791

Major Events: Toussaint Louverture leads the slave revolt Revolutionary government frees slaves Napoleon takes over France and brings back slavery 1802 Napoleon sends army to Saint Domingue 1804 Toussaint Louverture dies - captured by the French and dies in French prison New leader, Dessalines defeats Napoleon troops who are dying of malaria (yellow fever) Louisiana Purchase - Napoleon and Jefferson "Damn sugar, damn coffee, damn colonies," 1804 Republic of Haiti is born - general Dessalines is the new ruler, later named himself Emperor of Haiti

Sources: mrrosentel.wordpress.com /history/revolution/revolution1.htm /history/revolution/revolution1.htm bxscience.enschool.org/.../auto/.../The %20Haitian%20Revolution.ppt