C HAPTER 10: R EVOLT AND R EFORM Divisions in the Body of Christ (pgs )
M ARTIN L UTHER ’ S C ALL FOR R EFORM The Problems with Indulgences Over-relying on External Practices Resenting Rome and the Pope Failed Attempts to Reconcile with Rome Martin Luther accused of heresy Theses Become Hardened Convictions On Papal Authority On Grace Versus Works On the Bible as the Sole Supreme Authority
M ARTIN L UTHER ’ S C ALL FOR R EFORM CONT ’ D Luther Excommunicated Charles V Still a Catholic? Lutheran Church Luther’s Impact on the Political Scene The Peasants’ Revolt Rulers Choose the Religion for Their Region Peace of Augsburg F OR R EVIEW PG. 202
O THER P ROTESTANT M OVEMENTS Calvinism: Beyond Luther “The Institutes of the Christian Religion” The Reform in Switzerland A Strict, Intolerant Theocracy Church should dominate all civil affairs Predestination as a Central Belief God had complete foreknowledge of events and marked people for heaven and the rest for hell
O THER P ROTESTANT M OVEMENTS CONT ’ D The Church of England: A Political Breakaway Henry’s Dilemma A State-Sponsored Church Church of England Consequences for Resisting the Oath of Loyalty Act of Supremacy Sir Thomas More Henry’s Spiritual and Political Descendents F OR R EVIEW PG. 207
T HE C ATHOLIC R ESPONSE : R EFORM AND R ENEWAL The Council of Trent: The Catholics’ Turn to Reform Defining Catholic Faith and Practice Catholic Reformation Reform, but Not Unity, Achieved Ignatius and the Jesuits: Spirituality and Education From War Soldier to “Soldier for Christ” The Society of Jesus Teresa of Avila: A Return to Simplicity A Renewed Kind of Carmelite A Renowned Spiritual Writer F OR R EVIEW PG. 211