DOCUMENT-BASED QUESTION How to ace the essay!
PRE-ACTIVITY Read pp in textbook as a class Think-Pair-Share Read over 2008 DBQ Take notes on Causes Responses Point-of-view Discuss documents as a class Write a thesis statement
POINT-OF-VIEW Relates authorial point of view to author’s place in society Evaluates the reliability/credibility of the source Recognizes that different kinds of documents serve different purposes Analyzes the tone of the documents
TONE Words to remember… Inflammatory, hostile, forceful Apologetic, sympathetic Persuasive Informative Condescending, grave, serious Sarcastic, mocking, agitated,
EXAMPLE OF POV In Document X, so-and-so (author) wrote ________ (type of document) stating _____________(content). The ________ (author) was __________ (tone) because _________(author’s place in society) In Document 7, Martin Luther wrote a book, Against the Murdering and Thieving Hordes that was hostile towards the peasant’s revolts. Although a theologian, he did not agree with how the peasants were using the Gospel to upset the current social and political order.
In short, address: Why they said What they said And how they said it!
WAYS TO GROUP DOCUMENTS Debate/Historical Issue: Pro (For), Con (Against) and ‘middle ground’ (Compromise) Aspects of a period or event: P.E.R.S.I.A (Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, and Artistic By author’s place in society: social class, occupation, faith, racial, ethnic, or gender
THE BASIC CORE! Point 1: Explicit thesis statement that addresses all parts Point 2: Discusses a majority of documents (7) Point 3: Understands majority of documents May not misinterpret more than one A document that is erroneously grouped with other documents is considered a misinterpretation Point 4: Supports thesis with majority of documents (7) Do not receive this point if no credit was awarded for Point 1 and 2 Point 5: Point-of-View (POV) (3) Point 6: Groups (3)
EXPANDED CORE! Uses all or almost all of the documents (10-12) Develops more than four groupings Analyzes POV in at least four documents Brings in relevant ‘outside’ information Recognizes and develops change over time