History of the Church I: Week One
“Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God.”
Palestine 30 A.D.
Pentecost Acts 2 & 3 1)Jesus was the Messiah (Acts 2:32) 2) Jesus was fulfillment of God’s purpose in the O.T. 3) Repent, be baptized and receive the H.S. (2:38) – 3,000 added 4) Outwardly Jewish but it was unified by baptism and Lord’s Supper
Hellenists 1) “Greek Jews” 2) Lived in separate communities 3) Spoke Greek 4) Used Septuagint 5) Most had come to Jerusalem from all over the Roman Empire and decided to stay 6) Choosing of the seven (Acts 6) 7) Stephen was one of the seven
Stephen Acts 7 Read Chapter and summarize main points on the your worksheet.
Paul: Uniquely Qualified 1)Persecuted church forced to scatter (Acts 8) 2) Damascus (Acts 9) 3) Saul now Paul: -educated as a Jew -Spoke Greek and knew Greek literature/traditions -Roman citizen could move freely in the Empire
Paul’s dispute with Jerusalem 1)From what backgrounds were most of the believers Paul led to Christ? 2)What did church want them to do in order to be called Christians? Read pg. 10 in Shelley
Justification Read this quote and put your response on the worksheet: Justification by faith was the great truth that dawned on Luther and dramatically altered the church. Because Christians are justified by faith alone, their standing before God is not in any way related to personal merit. Good works and practical holiness do not provide the grounds for acceptance with God. God receives as righteous those who believe, not because of any good thing He sees in them—not even because of His own sanctifying work in their lives— but solely on the basis of Christ’s righteousness, which is reckoned to their account. “To the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness” (Romans 4:5). That is justification. - John MacArthur
Paul’s Missionary Journey’s Church spreads: -Cyprus -Antioch -Ephesus Pail returns and is imprisoned by Jewish officials Paul goes to Rome to plead his case – church founded in Rome
Jerusalem -Roman persecution followed as Jews sought to distance themselves from Christians -James (brother of John) killed by Romans in A.D. 41 -Peter was imprisoned but escaped and went throughout Asia Minor landing in Rome -James, brother of Jesus, killed by Jews in A.D. 62 -No Christian leader left in Jerusalem
Jerusalem -Jews finish temple in A.D. 64 -Tensions rise between Rome and Jews -Jews revolt in A.D. 66 -Rome crushes the revolt in A.D. 70 -Jews are scattered throughout the world -Christian leaders fled at start of revolt -Jews said this was treason -Break was complete when Jews banned Christians from synagogue services a few years later