Conflict & Significance PERIOD 2:
Uprising of 1622 Pequot War Beaver Wars King Phillip’s War Bacon’s Rebellion Pope’s Revolt Stono Rebellion MAJOR CONFLICTS
Powhatan’s brother (Opechancanough) Massacred ¼ (about 300) of Virginia’s settlers Brutal retaliation Another effort in 1644—forced relocation Significance? Shift in power Virginia become a royal colony UPRISING OF 1622
New England Pequot’s controlled fur trade & charged tribute from other tribes Killed a fur trader Connecticut+Mass+ Narragansett surrounded Pequot village and set afire Over 500 men, women, children killed rest sold to Caribbean slavery New England Indian allies shocked at European military methods Puritan response: “sword of the Lord” Significance? Opened up land Discouraged further resistance PEQUOT WAR--1637
Iroquois=suppliers Supply dwindled=economic decline Set sights on Algonquian land Supported by English and Dutch BEAVER WARS
One of the deadliest conflicts Iroquois Confederacy Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, Oneidas, Mohawks Causes? BEAVER WARS
Metacom Wampanoag 4000 dead—3/4 A.I. Pushed settlement line almost to coast Iroquois + New England Metocom executed Secured ‘savage’ in New Englanders mind “praying Indians” were displaced and suffered KING PHILIP’S WAR-1675
Servants started living longer and land owners had to follow through on land promises Gov Berkely confined voting to landowners as of 1670 Berkely refused to allow whites to settle on A.I. lands (deer skin trade) Simmering social tensions BACON’S REBELLION--1676
Bacon = weathy, ambitious, arrived in 1673 Disliked Berkely and inner circle Gained support from indentured servants Promised freedom and access to land Against “protected and darling Indians” Burned Jamestown Gov. fled & Bacon became ruler of Virginia, plundered estates Warships from England= rebellion over Consequences? Restricted voting rights Changed image with poor neighbors Granted A.I. land to indentured servants Accelerated shift to slavery BACON’S REBELLION
“sorcery” charges Spurred motivation for revolt Ironically, Spanish became lingua franca of revolt Most successful in history Significance = tolerance POPE’S REBELLION-1680
1739 South Carolina Recently arrived slaves from Kongo (Congo) – seemed to be soldiers Seized weapons Slaves Killed 24+ whites and over 200 slaves Severe shifts in S.C. slavery codes STONO REBELLION
150 + black and 20+ white individuals are arrested 34 were executed Historians disagree on source of ‘plot’ 1741 NYC FIRES