Hebrews 10:26-39 Luke 8:11-13; 1 Tim. 4:1; Hebrews 3:12-14 –Apostasy- Willful drawing away, rebellion against, revolt, abandonment, defection, a movement to unbelief and sin –Causes: temptations, deception, neglect and persecutions Sinning willfully—after receiving truth –There no longer remains a sacrifice for sins What then—a terrifying expectation –Judgment—a consuming fury of fire
By comparison –Look at Moses & the law By 2 or 3 witnesses the one who set aside the law would die without mercy –How much more severe For one trampling under foot the SON of God Or to regard unclean the blood of the covenant –By which you were set apart Or insulted the Spirit of grace –We know HIM who said Vengeance is MINE
–It’s terrifying To fall into the hands of the living GOD What can be done? –Remember the suffering –Remember your service to those in Prison, suffering reproaches and tribulation –Sometimes participating in the same –Remember your joyful willingness when losing your property You knew you had received a greater possession
An abiding possession –Look forward Do not throw away your confidence –There is a reward in confidence Find your endurance in circumstance –Do the will of God »(trust in Christ Jesus fully) »2 Thess. 1:3-12 –Receive what you have been promised