The Great Depression and the Rise of Totalitarianism


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Presentation transcript:

The Great Depression and the Rise of Totalitarianism CHAPTER 28 4/15/2017 CHAPTER 28 The Great Depression and the Rise of Totalitarianism Section 1: The Postwar Era Section 2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Section 3: Political Tensions After World War I Section 4: Fascist Dictatorships Section 5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union

The Postwar Era Objectives: Section 1: Explain how scientific theories affected thinking in other areas of life. Identify ways in which writers, musicians, painters, and architects experimented with new forms. Describe how popular culture and consumerism affected societies.

The Effects of Scientific Events and Ideas Section 1: The Postwar Era The Effects of Scientific Events and Ideas A global epidemic Scientific and social theories

New Directions in Literature Section 1: The Postwar Era New Directions in Literature Dissatisfaction with traditional ideas, disillusionment Examination of unconscious motivations Surrealism Poetry without rhyme with lines of varying lengths

New Directions in Music, Painting, and Architecture Section 1: The Postwar Era New Directions in Music, Painting, and Architecture Music – Stravinsky, Schoenberg; radio gave rise to jazz Painting – Picasso created cubism; Dali used surrealism Architecture – Sullivan used functionalism, developed skyscraper; Frank Lloyd Wright influenced international style

Popular Culture and Consumerism Section 1: The Postwar Era Popular Culture and Consumerism Entertainment – motion pictures, sports Consumer culture – more luxury items purchased, radio advertising, buying on credit, prohibition

Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Section 2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Objectives: Identify the weaknesses that appeared in the global economy during the postwar era. Describe how nations initially responded to the Great Depression. Explain how the New Deal marked a shift in the U.S. government’s relationship with its citizens and the economy.

Signs of Economic Troubles Section 2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Signs of Economic Troubles Farmers – farmers struggled while industry prospered Protectionism – economic nationalism Speculation and panic – risky investments in stock market, Black Tuesday occurred when stock market crashed

Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Section 2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles The Great Depression Destroyed surpluses Tried economic nationalism

Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Section 2: Postwar Prosperity Crumbles The New Deal Program of relief and reform Social Security Act provided for unemployment and old-age benefits

Political Tensions After World War I Section 3: Political Tensions After World War I Objectives: Describe the difficulties that France faced during the postwar years. Explain how the British government dealt with its domestic problems. Identify the problems that weakened eastern European governments.

France’s Postwar Difficulties Section 3: Political Tensions After World War I France’s Postwar Difficulties The economy – government and individuals were in debt International affairs – Locarno Pact pledged that countries would peacefully settle all future disputes Political unrest – strikes in various industries; Popular Front came to power, then fell; extremist actions

Great Britain After World War I Section 3: Political Tensions After World War I Great Britain After World War I Labor troubles – outdated industry, unemployment Ireland - bloody revolt against Great Britain; Irish Republican Army fought for independence

Political Tensions After World War I Section 3: Political Tensions After World War I Eastern Europe Weak economies Conflicts between socialists and conservatives New boundaries caused unrest

Fascist Dictatorships Section 4: Fascist Dictatorships Objectives: Describe how Benito Mussolini transformed Italy into a fascist state. Explain why the Weimar Republic failed. Trace how Adolf Hitler became an important figure in Germany. Describe how the Nazis used power in Germany.

The Rise of Fascism in Italy Section 4: Fascist Dictatorships The Rise of Fascism in Italy Fascist doctrine – dictatorship and totalitarianism, opposed communism and democracy Mussolini’s rise to power – appointed Fascists to all official positions in center government The corporatist state – major economic activities were organized similar to corporations

Fascist Dictatorships Section 4: Fascist Dictatorships The Weimar Republic Treaty of Versailles was humiliating, opposed Germany’s interests High unemployment, soaring inflation

Fascist Dictatorships Section 4: Fascist Dictatorships The Nazis and Hitler Nazi Party was extremely nationalistic, anti-Semitic, and anticommunist Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which planned for racial purity, promised to repeal Treaty of Versailles

Fascist Dictatorships Section 4: Fascist Dictatorships The Nazis in Power Created anticommunist hysteria

Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Section 5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Objectives: Identify the terms of the New Economic Policy. Describe how Stalin shaped the Soviet economy. Explain why Stalin imprisoned and executed millions of Soviet people.

Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Section 5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Russia Under Lenin New Economic Policy – nationalized industries, collectivized arms Women’s roles – gave women more rights Education was priority

Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Section 5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union The Five-Year Plan Ambitious agricultural, industrial, and social goals to create a modern, industrialized society Caused hardships for Soviet people, were forced to comply

Stalin’s Dictatorship Section 5: Dictatorship in the Soviet Union Stalin’s Dictatorship Government under Stalin – purge of disloyal party members, extended to general population Foreign policy – wanted rest of world to accept Soviet Union, but tried to spread Communist revolution