FIU Chapter 7: Input/Output Jerome Crooks Panyawat Chiamprasert Jose Cuba
Table of Content 7.1 External Devices 7.2 I/O Modules 7.3 Programmed I/O 7.4 Interrupts 7.5 DMA
External Devices can be group into three categories: Human readable: Appropriate for communicating with the computer user. Screen, printer, keyboard Machine readable: Appropriate for communicating with the equipment. Monitoring and control Communication: Appropriate for communicating with remote devices. Modem Network Interface Card (NIC)
Block Diagram for External Devices Control signals: Establish the function that the device will execute. Status signal: Indicates the state of the device. Control logic: Connected with the device controls ; the device’s operation in response to direction from the I/O module. Transducer: Converts data from electrical to other forms of energy through output and from other forms to electrical through input. Buffer: Associated with the transducer to temporarily hold data being transferred between the I/O module and the external environment ; it is very often 8 to 16 bits. Data bits: In the form of a set of bits are the data , and it is sent to or received from the I/O module.
Major functions for an I/O module: I/O Modules Major functions for an I/O module: 1. Control and Timing: To organize the flow of interchange between internal resources and external devices. 2. Processor Communication: Includes command decoding , data exchange , status reporting , address recognition. 3. Device Communication: This communication contains commands , status information , and data. 4. Data Buffering: It is the fundamental assignment of an I/O module. 5. Error Detection: It is usually a responsibility of the I/O module to report errors to the CPU.
The control of the transfer of data from an external device to the processor consists in the following steps: Processor interrogates I/O module to verify the condition of the device connected. I/O module informs the situation of the installed device . If the device is prepared to transmit, the processor asks data transfer. I/O module achieves a unit of data such as 8 or 16 bits from the external device. Data are moved from the I/O module to the processor. Variations for output, Direct Memory Access, and so on. I/O Modules
General Block Diagram of an I/O Module
I/O module communicates with the processor: I/O Modules I/O module communicates with the processor: Command decoding: The I/O module accepts commands from the processor. Data: Data are exchange between the processor and the I/O module over the data bus Status reporting: Due to peripherals are so slow , it is important to know the status of the I/O module. Address recognition: As each word of memory has an address , so does each I/O device.
Programmed I/O The processor has direct control over I/O. Sensing status Read/write commands Transferring data 2. The processor waits for I/O module to complete operation. 3. With programmed I/O , data are exchange between the processor and the I/O module.
Programmed I/O Steps The processor requests I/O operation. I/O module performs operation. I/O module sets status bits. The processor checks status bits periodically. I/O module does not inform the processor directly. I/O module does not interrupt the processor. The processor may wait or come back later.
Interrupt Driven I/O With this interrupt , the processor issues an I/O command and continues to execute other instructions ; but is interrupted by the I/O module when the latter has completed its work. Overcomes the processor waiting. The processor does not repeat checking of device. 4. This interrupt is used when an I/O to memory transfer occurs across the processor.
Interrup Driven I/O Basic Operation CPU issues read command I/O module gets data from peripheral while CPU does other work I/O module interrupts CPU CPU requests data I/O module transfers data CPU Viewpoint Issue read command Do other work Check for interrupt at end of each instruction cycle If interrupted:- Save context (registers) Process interrupt Fetch data & store See Operating Systems notes
Simple Interrupt Processing
Design issues -How do you identify the module issuing the interrupt? -How do you deal with multiple interrupts? i.e. an interrupt handler being interrupted
Identifying Interrupting Module 1.Multiple interrupt lines -PC -Limits number of devices 2. Software poll -CPU asks each module in turn -Slow 3. Daisy Chain or Hardware poll -Interrupt Acknowledge sent down a chain -Module responsible places vector on bus -CPU uses vector to identify handler routine 4. Bus Master -Module must claim the bus before it can raise interrupt
Multiple Interrupts Each interrupt line has a priority Higher priority lines can interrupt lower priority lines If bus mastering only current master can interrupt
82C59A Interrupt Controller Example - PC Bus 80x86 has one interrupt line 8086 based systems use one 8259A interrupt controller 8259A has 8 interrupt lines Sequence of Events 8259A accepts interrupts 8259A determines priority 8259A signals 8086 (raises INTR line) CPU Acknowledges 8259A puts correct vector on data bus CPU processes interrupt
Direct Memory Access Interrupt driven and programmed I/O require active CPU intervention Transfer rate is limited CPU is tied up DMA is the answer
DMA Function Additional Module (hardware) on bus DMA controller takes over from CPU for I/O
Typical DMA Module Diagram
DMA Operation 1. CPU tells DMA controller: Request: Read or Write Device address Starting location in memory Data transfer amount 2. CPU carries on with other work 3. DMA controller does transfer 4. DMA controller sends interrupt
DMA Transfer Cycle Stealing 1. DMA controller takes over bus for a cycle 2. Transfer of one word of data 3. Not an interrupt CPU does not switch context 4. CPU suspended just before it accesses bus i.e. before an operand or data fetch or a data write 5. Slows down CPU
DMA and Interrupt Break points During an Instruction Cycle
DMA Configurations(1) Single Bus, Detached DMA controller 1. Each transfer uses bus twice I/O to DMA then DMA to memory 2. CPU is suspended twice
DMA Configurations (2) Single Bus, Integrated DMA controller Controller may support >1 device Each transfer uses bus once DMA to memory CPU is suspended once
DMA Configurations (3) Separate I/O Bus Bus supports all DMA enabled devices Each transfer uses bus once DMA to memory CPU is suspended once
Intel 8237A DMA Controller Interfaces to 80x86 family and DRAM When DMA module needs buses it sends HOLD signal to processor CPU responds HLDA (hold acknowledge) DMA module can use buses E.g. transfer data from memory to disk
8237 DMA Usage of Systems Bus
Review Questions List three broad classifications of external , or peripheral , devices. What is the International Reference Alphabet? What are the major functions of an I/O module? List and briefly define three techniques for performing I/O. What is the difference between memory-mapped I/O and isolated I/O? When a device interrupt occurs , how does the processor determine which device issued the interrupt? When a DMA module takes control of a bus , and while it retains control of the bus , what does the processor do?