Scenarios: The missing link or – “ Some Stuff About Use Cases and Testing”
Page 2 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 What’s in a Use Case Model? Use Case Diagram Actor Use Case Actor Someone or something outside the system acting in a role that interacts with the system. Could be a human or another system. Use Case Defines a sequence of actions performed by a system that yields an observable result of value to the actor
Page 3 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 IdentifyOutline Project Inception Phase Elaboration and Construction Iterations (development cycles) A Use Case Model Evolves Fully Detail
Page 4 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 Project Accounting Consultant System Project Manager Submit Timesheet Complete Timesheets Use Case Model: Identify Use Case Name The name should be: Brief Unique Written as an active verb Meaningful You should be able to tell what the actor wants to achieve in the use case from its name. Each Actor and Use Case needs a brief description. Actor Briefly state its role, goals and responsibilities in relation to the system. Use Case Briefly summarise what takes place in the use case, giving an indication of its scope. Example actor: Name: Consultant Brief Description: The consultant updates their daily timesheet and expense information and gets status reports. Example use case: Name: Submit Timesheet Brief Description: The consultant enters details of the number of hours worked and the activities worked on, then confirms and submits the timesheet.
Page 5 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 Project Accounting Consultant System Project Manager Submit Timesheet Complete Timesheets Use Case Model: Outline Use Case Outline: Submit Timesheet Brief Description: The consultant enters details of the number of hours worked and the activities worked on, then confirms and submits the timesheet. User Goal: To quickly provide accurate weekly timesheet information from any location, at any time. Basic Flow 1.Log in and select timesheet to update 2.Enter details 3.Confirm 4.Submit Alternate Flows Can’t log in Details invalid…. Scenarios
Page 6 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 Project Accounting Consultant System Project Manager Submit Timesheet Complete Timesheets Use Case Model: Detail Use Case Report… What Needs to be Tested? Pre and post conditions Special Requirements Business Rules (UI / Data Elements) Basic Flow Alternate Flows
Page 7 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 Testable Flows Basic FlowAlternate and Exception Flows Use Case No branches No loops No conditions Self Contained Consistent format Alternate Flow 1 Alternate Flow 2 Alternate Flow 3 Alternate Flow 4 Exception Flow 1 Exception Flow 3 Exception Flow 2
Page 8 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 Use Case Scenarios Scenario 1 = basic flow Scenario 2 = basic flow + Alternate flow 1 + Alternate flow 3 Scenario 3 = basic flow + Alternate flow 3 + Exception flow 3 Scenarios
Page 9 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 Test Scenarios Scenario 1 = basic flow Scenario 2 = basic flow + Alternate flow 1 + Alternate flow 3 Scenario 3 = basic flow + Alternate flow 3 + Exception flow 3 Action: Verification: User… System… Test Case Template
Page 10 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 Summary and Scenario Support Test Scenario Requisite Pro CaliberRM
Page 11 of 12 ©equinox limited 2006 In Summary Disciplined documentation of use case flows makes testing easier Use case flows combine as use case scenarios Use Case scenarios become test scenarios Test scenarios + data = test cases
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