All material required to answer the following questions are contained in the lecture notes. Tutorial CM 3007
Questions 1.Draw a schematic diagram of an Atomic Asborption Spectrometer. Briefly describe the function of each component. 2.Draw a diagram of a Hollow Cathode Lamp. Describe how the lamp generates a narrow line source. 3.List the different zones of an AA flame. Briefly describe the processes within each zone and identify the zone which is most commonly used for AAS. 4.List the three possible fuel/oxidant ratios. Give an example of an element where the analysis benefits from an incandescent flame and explain why.
5.Explain with the aid of a diagram how a nebulizer produces a vapour for introduction to an AA flame. 6.List the 3 different types of interference which may be encountered in AA spectroscopy. Suggest how these interferences may be overcome. 7.Demonstrate with the aid of a diagram how and why the analysis of Mg, Cr and Ag are affected by the height within the flame through which the incident radiation passes. 8.Explain with the aid of a diagram how a monochromator isolates the wavelength of interest before reaching the detector. Questions
9.Describe how a photomultiplier detector produces a signal. What factors define the upper and lower detection limits? 10.What are the advantages of using Graphite Furnace v Flame AA when carrying out elemental analysis? 11.List the steps towards electrothermal atomisation and describe the processes which occur during each step. 12Explain how the L’vov platform performs compared to wall atomization in graphite furnace 13Why is peak area measurement preferable to peak height measurement? Questions
14What are the two effects chemical modifiers have which overcome the relative volatilities of the matrix and analyte in graphite furnace. 15Give an example of a problematic matrix and a chemical modifier which can be used to overcome the problem. Show the chemical reaction between the matrix and the modifier in your answer.