WP 2. Benchmarking and best practice transfer Nataša Urbančíková Faculty of Economics Technical University of Košice
WP2. Benchmarking and Best Practices Transfer WP leader: TU Košice, Slovakia Duration: 01/07/2012 – 30/01/2014 Cooperating institutions – CLUSTERING project partners, educational institutions in both countries
Benchmarking – powerful technique that provides practical learning through comparing measurements, policies or outcomes, across industries, sectors, policies, products or services. – the essence is the process of identifying the highest standards of excellence for products, services or processes and then making the improvements necessary to reach those standards.
AIM: - comparison of regional selected characteristic to highest standards – identify best practices and trends in cross-border cooperation in science, research, innovation, clusters and cluster initiatives – support other project activities – support regional and local governments for the preparation of policy and program documents on cross- business sector – identify opportunities for further business development – identify opportunities to promote innovation and research-driven regional development.
Methodology 1)the list of benchmarking indicators will be selected 2)to check availability and comparability of all benchmarking data, which will be collected. 3)the list of available and fully comparable data for all analysed areas and regions, needed for benchmarking process.
Benchmarking team – to ensure that the benchmarking is correct and suitable for the project goals achievement. – will be responsible for identifying and communicating the benchmarking indicators for selected areas. – the construction of team will respect the goals of the benchmarking and also professional and regional distribution of researched areas.
Benchmarking team will be created in the frame of WP1 : – each project partner has to have at least one member within the team; – there must be at least two experts from the following areas: economic development and RTD policies; human resources; external resources for funding; Role: – will more precisely define the benchmarking goals – identify the benchmarking indicators for selected areas – will communicate selected indicators in order to provide the exact list of indicators which are accessible and comparable. Suggestions from each partner: till June 30, 2012 (including CV)
The best practices – serve as the basis for SWOT analyses creation 1.SWOT analysis of R & D policies and regional economic development and R & D funding opportunities 2.SWOT analysis of cluster initiatives 3. SWOT analysis in the knowledge development, transfer and use
Output TitleMediumlanguageNumbe r of copies 9SWOT analysis of R&D policies and regional economic development and R&D funding opportunities; CD ROM, web English100 10SWOT analysis of cluster initiativesCD ROM, web English100 11SWOT analysis in the knowledge development, transfer and use CD ROM, web English100 12Benchmarking and best practices transfer in the area of cross-border cooperation for the Kosice self-governing region and Zakarpatsky region Printed, CD ROM, web Slovak, Ukrainian 100 printed 100 CD ROM
Number and Title of the Activity Describe in detail each activity to be undertaken to produce the results Justify the choice and effectiveness of the activity indicating its sequence and interrelation Describe briefly where applicable the planned procurement procedure (specify works, supply, services) in the frame of each proposed activity Specify the role of each Partner (or associates) in the frame of each proposed activity where applicable Activity 2.1 Establishment of a list of benchmarking indicators Duration: July 1, 2012 – September 30, 2012 The selection of most appropriated, usable and comparable indicators is a crucial in benchmarking processes. Therefore these tasks must have a great importance, especially for regions where the availability of good quality statistics is worse. This activity is precondition for benchmarking process realisation as it ensures the benchmarking indicators availability for high-quality benchmarking process (Activity 2.2) The benchmarking indicators will be selected by TU Košice. The cooperation of both Ukrainian partners is needed. TU Košice will be responsible for overall task.
Number and Title of the Activity Describe in detail each activity to be undertaken to produce the results Justify the choice and effectiveness of the activity indicating its sequence and interrelation Describe briefly where applicable the planned procurement procedure (specify works, supply, services) in the frame of each proposed activity Specify the role of each Partner (or associates) in the frame of each proposed activity where applicable Activity 2.2 Identification of the differences and best practices in selected areas Duration: November 1, 2012 – August 31, 2013 The practical implementation of the benchmarking for selected areas: - R&D policies and regional economic development and R&D funding opportunities; - cluster initiatives; - knowledge development, transfer and use This activity is precondition for the preparation of SWOT analysis (Activity 2.3). Benchmarking process will be partly subcontracted by TU Košice. The benchmarking will be carried out in both countries. TU Košice provides benchmarking in Slovakia and Youth Informational Centre in Ukraine TU Košice will be responsible for overall task.
Number and Title of the Activity Describe in detail each activity to be undertaken to produce the results Justify the choice and effectiveness of the activity indicating its sequence and interrelation Describe briefly where applicable the planned procurement procedure (specify works, supply, services) in the frame of each proposed activity Specify the role of each Partner (or associates) in the frame of each proposed activity where applicable Activity 2.3 Preparation of SWOT analysis Duration: September 1, 2013 – November 30, 2013 SWOT analysis will be prepared for areas in which the benchmarking process has been carried out. This approach will highlight the strengths and opportunities for cross-border cluster initiatives as well as areas needing further development. The following SWOT analysis will be prepared: 1. SWOT analysis of R&D policies and regional economic development and R&D funding opportunities; 2.SWOT analysis of cluster initiatives ; 3. SWOT analysis in the knowledge development, transfer and use This activity leads to comprehensive view on the further cross border cooperation between Slovakian and Ukrainian border regions. It will be used by institutions of triple helix in order to enhance the perspective way of cross border cooperation. Field work during the SWOT analyses preparation will be partly subcontracted in ach region. The SWOT analyses will be carried out in both countries. TU Košice provides SWOT analyses in Slovakia and Zakarpattya Agency of Investments, Innovations and Development in Ukraine Zakarpattya Agency of Investments, Innovations and Development will be responsible for cross regional SWOT analyses elaboration.
Number and Title of the Activity Describe in detail each activity to be undertaken to produce the results Justify the choice and effectiveness of the activity indicating its sequence and interrelation Describe briefly where applicable the planned procurement procedure (specify works, supply, services) in the frame of each proposed activity Specify the role of each Partner (or associates) in the frame of each proposed activity where applicable Activity 2.4 Elaboration of comprehensive bilingual publications Duration: December 1, 2013 – January 31, 2014 Elaboration of the publication: Benchmarking and transfer of the best practices in cross-border cooperation for Kosice self- governing region and Zakarpatsky region and its release The publication will serve to all regional key players as a base for cluster initiatives promotion. Since it will be published in both national languages it will overcome possible language barriers. The graphical design, printing costs and translation costs will be subcontracted. Zakarpattya Agency of Investments, Innovations and Development in Ukraine will be responsible for final version of publication preparation.