The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 1 Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks Telemetry and WSNs 24 January 2005
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 2 Organizational Monday 4:30-5:20Room 4511 SC Thursday12:30-1:20Room 3220 SC Please note that the room numbers are different for Mondays and Thursdays. Monday5:20-6:20Room 1126 SC Thursday1:30-2:30Room 1126 SC OtherBy appointmentRoom 523C SHL Class Website Class Time Office Hours
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 3 Review Questions Explain how advances in MEMS have contributed to the development of WSNs List and briefly explain the purpose of four building blocks of a Mote. List and briefly explain the function of the OS on a WSN node Name and briefly explain a technological, scientific, and cultural development that have contributed to the development of WSNs What is TinyOS? Explain (to a non-expert) what is a mote
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 4 Telemetry Distance measurement Most often radio link Military Environmental Industrial (SCADA) Biological Medical Non-military – ISM bands
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 5 ISM Bands The industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio bands Originally internationally for non-commercial use of RF. Limitations on data. Today, commercial, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.xx networks. No limitations on data. Bands –900 MHz band (33.3 cm wavelength) –2.4 GHz band (12.2 cm wavelength) –5.8 GHz band (5.2 cm wavelength) License Free, but NOT unregulated Often Spread Spectrum, but need not be
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 6 Wallops Island UAV’s Weather
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 7 Datalogger 900 MHz wireless transceiver 1/4 wave whip antenna Rechargeable battery Solar panel ~ 1.5 km LOS 900 MHz Water quality, temperature CSBUOY-NS Buoy System
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 8 Biotelemetry Albatross tracking Predatory bird tracking Whale tracking Caribou tracking Body composition of sea lions
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 9 Argos Satellite System International: CNES, NASA, NOAA Polar orbiting satellite Ground stations –Fairbanks (AK), Wallops Island (VA) & Lannion, France Pre-processed by the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) in Suitland MarylandNESDIS
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 10 Argos
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 11 Argos Applications Fishing Management Protecting Wildlife Ocean and Climate Monitoring Volcanoes Tracking Sailboats Tracking Expeditions Tracking Hazardous Materials
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 12 Biotelemetry: Northern Pintail USGS Western Ecological Research Center Pinsat
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 13 Biotelemetry CNES, NASA, or NOAA, polar orbiting satellite Argos processing center 12 gram, solar PTT from Microwave Telemetry, includes GPS $5K per node and operating costs
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 14 Medical: Video Pill 24 hours to travel through body The pill's view of the stomach and intestine Video pill & standard endoscope Light, video camera, transmitter Receiver strapped on patient Swallow
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 15 Asset Tracking Terminology –Fleet tracking, Asset Tracking Combine GPS + Radio (cell phone) Mature: Turn-key Marketed as a service. Companies will –Install hardware –Deal with phone companies –Provide tracking software –Monthly charge Real-time tracking (high-end) Locator services (low-end) OnStar
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 16 Example of an Asset Tracking KitWeb-based software Asset Tracking Cell Modem Commercial Cell GPS Interface Robust Extended Temperature Vibration
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 17 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Oil, Telecommunications, Power industries, Municipal water systems GOOGLE “SCADA Software” => 60K hits Pressure Temperature Flow Levels
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 18 Think Back -Sensor Network Interface electronics, radio and microcontroller Soil moisture probe Mote Antenna Gateway Server Internet Communications barrier Sensor field
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 19 Think Back -Sensor Network Gateway Server Internet Sensor field Watershed
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 20 Telemetry vs. Sensor Networks Similarities –Wireless –Measurements, sensors, … Important Differences –Network vs. non-networked –Embedded intelligence (in-network processing) vs. centralized processing –Cost –Ad Hoc vs. Specialized –New vs. Old –Genealogy (Engineering vs. CS)
The University of Iowa. Copyright© 2005 A. Kruger 21 Next Time: Wireless Terms, FAQ, & Glossary