Mascil workshop with teachers General lay-out Trialed in NL with Math teachers
Materials - copies Two versions of a brief Mascil task appropriate for the audience (1 copy of each pp) -Version 1: task with Mascil characteristics of IBL and WoW -Version 2: same task in traditional schoolbook form A set of problems from textbooks the teachers may use (1 set per table of 3-6 teachers) Optional: mascil charcteristics of IBL ansd WoW (1 per table)
Schedule for 90 minutes 15 minutes – Introduction Mascil 25 minutes – activity 1 10 minutes – reflection and preview 25 minutes – activity 2 10 minutes – reflection (optional:filling in questionnaire) 5 minutes – questions and farewell
Brief intro Mascil project minutes Note: end with a list of relevant national projects and activities connected with Mascil themes: IBL and WOW
Activity 1 – a Mascil task 20 minutes Use task version 1 (with IBL and Wow) Teachers work in groups of 3-6
Activity minutes – small groups – Getting to know the task minutes – small groups – Identifying IBL and WOW characteristics in task 5 – 10 minutes – whole group – Quick vote: is this an IBL task? Why – inventorize and briefly discuss characteristics – Quick vote: is Wow in this task? Why – inventorize and briefly discuss characteristics
Mascil Characteristics 10 minutes – whole group Show Mascil characteristics of IBL and WoW Relate to characteristics from group Introduce next activity
To do Briefly present Mascil characteristics of tasks, relate to characteristics from group Next hand out version 2 (schoolbook version) of task, have teachers briefly compare this with version 1 Introduce next activity: redesigning schoolbook problems into Mascil-tasks
Activity 2 – redesigning textbook problems 25 minutes
Activity – in small groups 5 minutes – glancing through set of textbook problems 15 minutes – redesigning one of more problems, making it more IBL and WoW optional: hand out copy of mascil characteristics 5 minutes – groups reflect on the redesign process
reflection 10 minutes Whole group
reflection 5 minutes – groups report on their design process 5-10 minutes– present and discuss design guidelines from Mascil
End session Max 5 minutes