Restorative Justice Principles: LHS is committed to resolving incidents of harm to individuals and property in a: Respectful Safe Restorative Manner
Retributive vs. Restorative Offenses are committed against authorities Violate rules of law or policies Offender is accountable to authorities (police, school officials) Offenses are acts committed against victims Violate people and community trust Offender is accountable to the victim and community
Retributive vs. Restorative Accountability equals suffering Victims not main focus Offenders are defined by misbehavior or offense Accountability is taking responsibility for behaviors and repairing the harm Victims/community play a key role Offenders defined by taking responsibility and changing behavior.
Retributive vs. Restorative Offenses are result of individual choice with individual responsibility Offenses have individual and social aspects and are results of individual choice and conditions that lead to the behavior
Restorative Justice Focuses on: Putting things right when they have gone wrong Meaningful accountability Engaging morals and values because they are more powerful for influencing behaviors than laws and rules
Restorative Justice Focuses on: Recognizing that morals and values depend on relationships of caring and that communities and families have more power than courts do Restoring a proper balance of power and engaging healthy personal power for those harmed (victims), those causing harm(offenders), and those impacted by the harm.
Accountability For Everyone Means: Recognizing/acknowledging that your behavior caused the harm Understanding from the person harmed exactly what the harm was Acknowledging that you had a choice in causing that harm Taking steps to repair the harm Taking steps to prevent the harm from happening again
LHS partners with the Dane CountyTimeBank Both groups work together to coordinate the Youth Court/Restorative Justice Panels
The Dane CountyTimeBank Youth Court is: Trained jury of the student’s peers that: Review information about the incident Question the student involved in the incident and their parents/guardians Determine an appropriate sentence
TimeBank Members: Serve as jurors Staff the Youth Court Teach Life Skills classes Mentor youth as they complete sentences
Youth are encouraged to continue to participate and use theTimeBank support available to them. Serve as jurors Continue to attend classes and clubs Utilize the service offered through theTimeBank
How Can You Get Involved? Mentor a respondent or juror Teach a class Provide a service opportunity Help staff the court Tutor jurors or respondents Join the TimeBank and share your skills and talents with the youth or those who support them Please contact TimeBank at (608)663-0400 or
Restores the wellbeing of all those involved in the incident Focuses on prevention