Evaluation style question Marking LevelsCriteriaMarks 0Unsupported opinion or no relevant evaluation0 marks 1An opinion supported by simple reason1 mark 2An opinion supported by one developed reason or two simple reasons 2 marks 3An opinion supported by one well developed reason or several simple reasons (without a religious comment, students can’t achieve any higher than level 3) 3 marks 4An opinion supported by two developed reasons with reference to religion 4 marks 5Evidence of reasoned consideration of two different points of view, showing informed insights and knowledge and understanding of religion. 5 marks 6A well-argued response, with evidence of reasoned consideration of two different points of view showing informed insights and ability to apply knowledge and understanding of religion effectively. One argument can be non-religious 6 marks
Other questions If a question gives you a statement and then asks you what you think, make sure you tell the examiner what you think. The statement will usually be about religious beliefs or actions on something eg ‘Religious believers should accept not being able to have children.’ What do you think? Explain your opinion. NB: it’s not asking what you think about having children, but instead is asking you what you think about a religious believer’s position on the issue or subject
Explain questions These can be 2, 3, 4 or 5 mark questions Please make sure you give in depth explanation referring to religious teachings where relevant and explaining how they apply to the subject or issue. Develop your answers as much as you can. In a 5 mark question For levels 3, 4 and 5 there must be some reference to religious beliefs or teachings. Explain how religious organisations provide long term aid and emergency aid. (5 marks) Explain why most religious believers think that taking illegal drugs is wrong. Refer to religious beliefs and teachings in your answer. (4 marks) Explain the difference between prison and community service. (3 marks) Explain briefly what is meant by the quality of life. (2 marks)
AO1 Command Words Describe Give a detailed account of. The account should be factual, without any attempt to explain. (This is used to examine knowledge.) (AO1) Describe briefly... Give a brief account of. This is used in 1., 2. or 3. mark questions. (This is used to examine knowledge.) (AO1) Explain Interpret, analyse or give reasons for. (This is used to examine understanding.) (AO1) Explain briefly... Interpret, analyse or give reasons for. This is used in 2. or 3. mark questions. (This is used to examine understanding.) (AO1) Explain, using an example,.. Interpret, analyse or give reasons for. An example needs to be included in the answer. (This is used to examine understanding.) (AO1)
Name Requesting the candidate to show knowledge of specific information or technical terms. This command asks the candidates to state, specify or identify. (This is used to examine knowledge.) (AO1) Outline Give key points of. (This is used to examine knowledge.) (AO1) What Give factual information. (This is used to examine knowledge.) (AO1) What is meant by. The question is testing understanding of specialist terminology or of a symbol or concept. (This is used to examine understanding.) (AO1)
AO2 Command Words Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. No marks are given for agreeing or disagreeing. Candidates must evaluate as required giving reasons for their evaluation. Evaluation will involve making a judgement based on evidence, analysis and argument, and application of religious beliefs/teachings. (This is used to examine evaluation.) (AO2)...showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Candidates are expected to show an understanding of the complexity of an issue and the reasons why not all people will agree. They are not expected personally to hold two points of view at once. Hence, answers in which the candidate states, “I agree because…” and “I disagree because...” are sometimes not as well developed or coherently reasoned as answers which use phrases such as “while some believe... I think that...” or “I can see that some people think that... but…” (This is used to examine evaluation.) (AO2) Refer to religious arguments (Christianity/Buddhism) in your answer. Include reference to religious arguments in your answer. (This is used to examine evaluation.) (AO2) What do you think? Explain your opinion. This requires the candidate to confirm his or her own ideas on a religious believer’s position on the issue, supported by reference to religious teaching. (This is used to examine evaluation.) (AO2)