Long Writing Tasks You will have two long writing tasks to complete on the literacy test 1) A News Report 2) A Series of Paragraphs (an essay) Today’s lesson will review how to write a News Report
Parts of a News Report Headline: the title of the article. made up of 10 words or less introduces the article's topic captures the readers' interest Summary Lead: the opening paragraph. consists of 1-2 sentences is usually less than 30 words in length contains the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How (5Ws and H) of the article. Fact-based Paragraphs: the rest of the article. short paragraphs that expand on the 5Ws and H is organized from most to least important information include quotations from key people involved in or related to the information in the article Students Achieve 100% The staff and students of Brampton Centennial Secondary School celebrated yesterday after learning that 100% of their Grade 10 students who wrote the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) in March passed the test. The 400 students who wrote the test were informed of their successful results last week by mail, but the official whole-school results were released yesterday by EQAO, the Ministry organization that facilitates the administration of the provincial test. "The students did an outstanding job," stated Ms. Whitmell, the principal of Brampton Centennial S.S. today in a brief phone interview, "I couldn't be more proud!" When asked about the unprecedented successful results of her school's students, Whitmell revealed that the students had been prepared throughout the year for the March test. "The students were invited to workshops, were offered resources, and were taught literacy skills cross- curricularly throughout the year." Upon hearing the news of their high pass rate, the principal declared the last hour of yesterday's school day to be a time for celebration. Music was broadcast throughout the school's classroom LCD projectors. "The preparation and excellent results shows the goal of our students: Honour and Excellence," Ms. Whitmell said with a smile.
Sample News Report Question pg. 9 Turn to page 9 in your Booklet 1 QUESTIONS book. You will notice a headline and picture are provided. You will need to write a news article using the headline and picture as inspiration. You will have to make up the facts and information. Turn to page 7 in the Booklet 1 ANSWERS book. Take a look at the amount of space you have for writing (about 1 page). Remember you always write in the ANSWERS book. Booklet 1 QUESTIONS book pg. 9 Booklet 1 ANSWERS book pg. 7
Tips for the News Report: Analyse the picture and headline given to you to determine the topic of the article. What you write about needs to relate to the headline and picture. Briefly identify who, what, where, when and why in the opening. For example: “The staff and students of Brampton Centennial Secondary School celebrated yesterday after learning that 100% of their Grade 10 students who wrote the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) in March passed the test. “ Explain in greater details in the paragraphs that follow -who, what, where, when, why, and how. Provide at least one quote for your article. Write short paragraphs (2-3 sentences in length) to expand and explain the headline and picture. Proof read for spelling and grammar. Remember the audience: readers of a newspaper!
Teachers please distribute the handout (rubrics) to each student. Two rubrics are used for the news report: (1) Topic Development Rubric /60 marks (2) Use of Conventions Rubric/ 40 marks Total /100 marks How is the News Report marked?
Rubric for Topic Development Use of Conventions Rubric
WHOLE CLASS ACTIVITY: Let’s look at the example from a previous literacy test and brainstorm ideas to together. Use the following questions to jot down your rough note ideas for the article. Who are they? What are they doing? Where are they? When? (Time of year) Why are they doing this? How ? Quotes we can use in the article... We will look at some sample STUDENT ANSWERS after our brainstorming. Headline: “Student volunteers improve school grounds”
Sample student answer This person scored 10/60
STUDENT ACTIVITY: NEWS REPORT Turn to page 9 in your Booklet 1 QUESTIONS book and write a News Report on page 7 in the Booklet 1 ANSWERS book. When you are finished used the rubric provided to self and/or peer evaluate your response. Make rough notes first using: who, what, where, when why, how and quotes… Booklet 1 QUESTIONS book pg. 9 Booklet 1 ANSWERS book pg. 7
Thank you for your attention and participation! If you would like a copy of this PowerPoint you can visit for all the materials used for each OSSLT preparation lesson. Select the “Literacy Resources” link on the right. Please keep your sample booklets. You will need these booklets for the OSSLT Prep lessons each day this week.