ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Mental Health Promotion & Prevention Semi-Annual Reports Jeff Ruscoe, Ed.M. Prevention Team Lead May 29, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION Mental Health Promotion & Prevention Semi-Annual Reports Jeff Ruscoe, Ed.M. Prevention Team Lead May 29, 2014

Mental Health New Investments In 2013, the Oregon Legislature made an unprecedented investment in mental health services. These new investments provide an opportunity for the Oregon Health Authority to work with new partners. Together, we aim to fill gaps in the mental health system and promote child/youth, adult, community behavioral health and wellness. As a recipient of these investments, you are an important part of helping people get the services they need. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 2

Required Information ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 3 Since the Mental Health Promotion and Prevention (MHPP) awards are funding primarily population-based programs, you will not be required to enter client demographic and service information into the Measures and Outcomes Tracking System (MOTS). Instead, the Prevention Team has created a simple narrative reporting tool for each contractor to utilize. The tool asks you to report on: –Programs & Activities implemented during the reporting period –Numbers of persons served (males/females) and numbers of classes and training sessions offered –Number of courses completed and participants attending –Challenges or obstacles encountered –Successes realized

Reporting Periods & Due Dates Semi-Annual Reporting Periods: January – June 2014 (report due August 15, 2014) July – December, 2014 (report due February 15, 2015) January – June 2015 (report due August 15, 2015) Due Dates: The report is due forty-five (45) days after the reporting period ends; on the 15th of the second month after the end of the period. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the report is due on the first business day after the weekend or holiday. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 4


Required Information: Contractor & Reporting Period ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 6 Enter your agency name, reporting period, contact name and contact information at the top of the form.

Required Information: Programs & Activities Using information from the deliverables approved from your original application, list all the programs and activities implemented during this reporting period under #1. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 7

Required Information: Output Information For each of the programs and activities you’ve listed as implemented during the reporting period, now list how many persons served, numbers of males and females served, numbers of trainings or classes offered, and the number of multi-session courses completed in #2. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 8 2.For each program or activity listed in #1, please provide the following information, as applicable: a.Total Number of Persons Served b.Number of Males Served / Number of Females Served c.Number of Trainings/Classes Offered with number attending d.Number of Multi-Session Courses Completed with number attending

Required Information: Outcome Information Progress For number 3, we’re looking for progress you may have made on each of the outcomes listed in your logic model for the funded activities of the project. List each of the outcomes originally projected and the progress made to date. If no progress has been made on an outcome, please make note of that as well. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 9 3.Please list each of the outcomes that were projected in your project logic model, and briefly summarize the progress made on each of these outcomes, to date.

Required Information: Challenges or Obstacles For question number four, we ask that you address any challenges or obstacles you encountered during this reporting period that hindered your progress in moving forward with any project activities. Briefly explain the challenges or obstacles and how they impacted the project. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 10 4.What challenges/obstacles did you encounter during this reporting period?

Required Information: Successes Question number 5 is your opportunity to tell us about your greatest successes during the current reporting period. Let us know what went well for you during the past six months that you’d like to brag about! These are where our stories about this investment area will come from. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 11 5.What have been your greatest successes during this reporting period?

How to Name the MHPP Report and Send it to AMH ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 12 To help organize the incoming reports, please include the following information in the name of your semi-annual report when you save it and send it in to AMH: Aug14_MHPP-Orgname.docx Organization Name Month and year of submission (ex: Aug14) Report Type

Submission of Reports Reports must be sent electronically to AMH. Because no client specific data is being reported, there is no need for password protecting or encrypting the document prior to sending it to AMH. Reports must be submitted by the close of business on the 45 th day following the report period end to: ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 13

Data Analysis and Reports for Contractors ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 14 Semi-Annual Report Submission to AMH Contract Administrator AMH will notify the contractor that the report was received via Program Staff will review the report and let the contractor know if the report has been approved If the report requires revisions, the Program Staff member who is the lead for the specific program, will work directly with the contractor until the document is approved

AMH Reports and Data Sharing ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 15 Statutory Authority: ORS Oregon Administrative Rule 407 ‐ 014 ‐ 0060 (6) Uses and Disclosures of Protected Information for Research Purposes The Department may use and disclose information without individual authorization for studies and data analysis conducted for the Department’s own quality assurance purposes or to comply with reporting requirements applicable to federal or state funding requirements in accordance with the definition of “health care operations” in 45 CFR part

AMH Reports and Data Sharing Cycle ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 16 Data Collection Summary Report Data Matching Data AnalysisReportsData Sharing Quality Improvement

Questions? If you have questions about this reporting process, we are here to help. Please contact: Jeff Ruscoe, Ed.M. Prevention Team Lead Desk: ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 17