Wendy Whitmer Regional Science Coordinator April 2, 2014
Welcome Who are we? Why are you here? What would you like to get out of today?
Draft Agenda Calibration of logistical knowledge Structure of Biology COE within School/District Characteristics of a COE Teacher Structure of COE within the Classroom Ethical Considerations Assigning Students Assigning Tasks Preparing for the Biology COE
Goals Craft a school/district action plan for administration of the Biology COE. Consider the logistics of COE administration. Have an action plan for administration of the Biology COE.
Formative Assessment Complete “now what?” individually. Talk to a partner. Review responses and get some answers!
Biology COE “Introducing the Biology COE…”
Biology COE Read the Biology COE Guidelines. On Sticky Notes: 3 things that surprise you or you find significant 3 questions you have
Action Planning- Big Picture What will be the structures and facilitation of the Biology COE at your school/district? Will you have a separate class? How many students do you have? What teachers do you have available?
Action Planning- Big Picture What will be the structures and facilitation of the Biology COE at your school/district? Are you going to start this spring? Do you have students work on tasks throughout the year? Are you going to have students complete the COE as a Junior or a Senior? When is the submission for the COE? What if students need to make some corrections or additions? If they complete it as a senior, do you have a year-long engagement in case they need to make additional submissions? What do they do while they are waiting?
Action Planning Talk at your tables Record your plan that will work for your school/district Count off 1-4 Share your conversation with your new colleagues.
The Teacher What are the characteristics of a successful COE teacher? What skills do they need to have? How should Biology content knowledge impact who is chosen to facilitate?
Ethics What are the rules for helping students in completing a task? What is the best way to support your students to ensure successful completion?
Classroom Structure- Administration of Biology COE Assigning Tasks… Review the Task Matrix What is sufficiency versus scope? How do you access the tasks to see them? Who will choose the tasks? The teacher only? District level decision? The student? A combination?
Classroom Structure- Administration of Biology COE Assigning Tasks… How will you choose which tasks are on- demand what which are extended response? How many will you make on-demand and how many will be extended response? How many will you submit total?
Classroom Structure- Administration of Biology COE Structured vs. Unstructured Instruction Will you have: a structured, “all students” review/instruction for the Biology COE unstructured, student-led review or preparation?
Classroom Structure- Administration of Biology COE Differentiation… How will you differentiate for your different levels of students? How might instruction look different for the students that barely missed a “3” compared to the students who only received a “1” on the Biology EOC?
Classroom Structure- Administration of Biology COE How will you design the teaching experience? A typical biology course? Test prep? How do the test and item specifications compare with the task matrix? How might you use the Test and Item specs in conjunction with the task matrix to help kids prepare?
Work-time Clarify action plan for your school/district Enter groups and students- together? (Creating and Submitting Biology COEs) Craft scope and sequence of instruction for students Assign students possible tasks Other?
Feedback/Informing Others Briefly summarize your action plan (big picture). Briefly summarize your classroom plan. What is one question you still have?