JCI and the UN – Natural Allies! JCI EC Monaco, 31 May 2013
Part 1 – Introduction Opening The UN and JCI UN Foundation hidden slide
Stephan Bouman JCI Denmark Robbert van Waart JCI the Netherlands Sevinç Atay JCI Turkey JCI and the UN – Natural allies Welcome!
The aim of this training
And you? 50 participants 50 expectations
Today's content: 1.Introduction 2.MDG and Global Compact 3.In practice 4.UN Foundation and Q&A
Are you......a JCI member?...an active citizen?...maybe saving the world?
active citizens not only think about their rights, but also their responsibilities active citizens not only fulfill their lawful duties, but also take an active role...but can they "save the world"?
"We are natural allies"
Part 2 – MDG and GC Millennium Development Goals Global Compact hidden slide
8 Millennium Development Goals
Group work briefly read your MDG info sheet discuss in your group the key message prepare a 1-minute presentation Time: 1:301:000:0010:009:008:007:006:005:004:003:002:000:30
UN MDG 1.halve poverty and hunger 2.basic education for everyone 3.equal rights 4.reduce child mortality 5.reduce mother mortality 6.combat diseases 7.sustainable environment 8.global cooperation
Part 3 – In practice What can YOU do? After 2015 Closing hidden slide
So what can YOU do?...and do we really have such problems in the western world??
1.6 million
made in Asia used in Europe dumped in Africa
So what can YOU do?? "Begin in your community. If you see something wrong: organize yourself with friends, and take it up. It doesn't have to be something very big." Kofi Annan 7 th UN Secretary General 2001 Nobel Peace Prize
Brainstorm which needs in YOUR community could be addressed? don't limit yourself! just write
Brainstorm "Begin in your community. If you see something wrong: organize yourself with friends, and take it up. It doesn't have to be something very big."
Small actions is all it takes... a book collection project mentoring youngsters Kibera project connecting homeless and their community introducing SMEs to Global Compact educating school kids sending malaria nets
...together with partners!