Research Topic Group Name: Group Leader: Group Members:
Definition Definition of the robotics research field that your group is going to present……
Scope Describe the scope of the research field Clarify the terminologies and relations to the other disciplines or research fields……
History Describe the development history of the research field Identify the key contributors in this field List the main robot models……
Key Technologies Describe the key technologies involved in this field Introduce and define each one briefly……
State of the Art Describe the current level of achievements of the research field List the best available technologies or robot models in major subfields……
Impacts to Society Describe how this research field has changed and impacted human society (the way we do, think, move or live)……
Future Trends Describe the open issues or obstacles in this research field List the potential development paths or possible breakthroughs Imagine and describe how will people use this technology when it become mature……
Conclusion Summarize what your group have learned in this lab and draw your final conclusions.
Roles & Contributions Name and role of each group member in this lab.
Q & A Ready to answer any questions