“The Necklace” – pg 220 All of us, at one time or another, have felt that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence – in other words, that someone else’s life is better than our own. We believe that having what someone else has will make us happy – until we experience the unexpected results of envy. Briefly write about a time you felt envy.
Point of View Every story has a voice – a narrator whose view is the one we share. –Omniscient –First Person –Third Person
Omniscient The narrator is all-knowing and is not a character in the story. Never refers to himself or herself with “I”. He or she can tell us everything about every character.
First Person The narrator is a character in the story. The narrator talks to us using “I”. He or she can only tell us personal thoughts and feelings, what he or she sees, or what he or she is told by other characters.
Third Person The narrator is not a character in the story, but focuses on the thoughts and emotions of one character. The narrator does not refer to himself or herself with “I”. The narrator can only tell us the thoughts and feelings of that one character. Examples on Page 218 and 219
“The Necklace” Assignment Answer questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the book. What point of view is the story told from? Support your answer with a quote from the story. Fill in the following table. Somebodywantedbutso…