1 Miss – Monitor Integrated safety System Project n. 516235 Call Identifier: FP6-2003-Transport-3 Type of instrument: STREP Start 01/01/2005 Duration 24.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Miss – Monitor Integrated safety System Project n Call Identifier: FP Transport-3 Type of instrument: STREP Start 01/01/2005 Duration 24 months

2 Project Objectives The overall goals of the project are:  to promote the development of robust open platforms, communications, services and HMI to accelerate the development, deployment, and use of Intelligent Integrated Road Safety Systems.  to develop a shared vision of a better future in which more intelligent, efficient and safe transport infrastructure will respond better and better to our mobility needs.

3 Scientific and Technological Objectives 1/4 The Monitor Integrated Safety System (MISS) platform aims at the development of a state-of-the-art technology and algorithmic solution to mitigate severe traffic safety problems. The technological goal is the integration of supervision monitoring rooms into one single UOC (Unified Operative Centre)

4 Scientific and Technological Objectives 2/4 MISS platform will consist of:  Innovative on board vehicle-based detection kit Integrated with existing communication technologies (TETRA, GPRS, GSM)  Geo-reference street database  Advanced algorithms to fuse the detected real-time data gathered by several organizations so that reliable and consistent traffic information can be shared.  Intelligent communication schemes to allow targeted information dissemination to clerical staff and drivers, based on their location and projected route

5 Scientific and Technological Objectives 3/4 The architecture:

6 Scientific and Technological Objectives 4/4 The main functionality of the MISS platform are here after briefly outlined:  To detect infrastructure hazards - such as debris on the road, pavement deterioration and stalled vehicles - mobile vehicle- based devices.  To communicate data on detected hazards via a high-speed link thanks to communication network to an UOC.  To record short video and audio on demand  To process the raw data (recorded, fused and coupled with existing data in a geo-coded database) and produce reliable targeted information for various types of users (travellers, emergency vehicles, vehicle fleets, other).  To share targeted information among different executive monitoring rooms.

7 WorkPackage Structure The overall work is divided into 7 workpackages, each one having its specific goal and responsible:  WP1 Project Management (SINTRA)  WP2 User Need, service Scenario and System requirements (CRF)  WP3 System Specification and Design (REG)  WP4 Prototype Implementation (M-SYS)  WP5 On-field Testing and demonstration (PROBO)  WP6 Industrial Exploitation (CERTH)  WP7 Dissemination and Promotion (SRM)

8 The Consortium Province of Bologna (IT) M-Systems (IL) Regulus (IT) Sintra (IT) Hellenic Institute of Transportation (GR) Università degli Studi di Udine (IT) City of Saarbruecken (DE) Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki (GR) BVG (DE) Cities on Internet (PL) Reti Mobilità (IT) CTL (CY) BLIC (DE)

9 The Budget The overall cost of the project is € co-funded by European Commission for 50%.