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The Project Budget is a tool used by Alcoa Foundation to assess: a)the % of the requesting organization’s total annual operating revenue which the requested Alcoa Foundation grant represents, and b)the % of the project’s total budget which the requested Alcoa Foundation grant represents. The Project Budget must be completed using this template (document may open in the background and may not be immediately visible) and must be attached to the Alcoa Foundation on-line grant application. A grant application may be rejected if the Project Budget is not completed correctly or is missing entirely. Read these instructions before completing the Project Budget template.this template PreviousNext FirstLast 2 of 7
1.Enter the full name of your organization Enter the Total Annual Operating Revenue for your current fiscal year – DO NOT LEAVE THIS CELL BLANK. Total Annual Operating Revenue is revenue received which is used for the daily operation of your organization, including the charitable activities that you carry out. It includes donations from individuals and corporations, support from government agencies, income from activities related to your mission, and income from fundraising activities, membership dues, etc. 2 PreviousNext FirstLast 3 of 7
1. In column one, identify with one or two words other program costs not already described in the first four lines of this section In column two, enter the total budgeted costs for the entire project or program for the line item. The total at the bottom of this column must equal the total budget for the project which Alcoa Foundation is considering for funding, even if it is greater than the amount of the grant being requested. In fact, the total budget for most projects will be more than the Alcoa Foundation grant In column three, enter the portion of the Alcoa Foundation grant which is earmarked for the line item for the first year of the grant. This amount may be less than or equal to the total budgeted for the line item in column For multi-year grants only, in columns 4 - 6, enter the portion of the Alcoa Foundation grant which is earmarked for the line item for years two through four of the grant. These columns only apply if the total grant is to be paid out over more than one year. The total of each column should equal the grant payment requested for that year In this column, enter a brief, but clear description of how Alcoa Foundation grant funds will be spent on each line item. DO NOT LEAVE THIS COLUMN BLANK. 5 PreviousNext FirstLast 4 of 7
1. In column one, identify with one or two words other administrative costs not already described in the first three lines of this section In these columns, follow the same instructions provided for the previous section. PreviousNext FirstLast 5 of 7
2 2. In these columns, follow the same instructions provided for the previous sections In column one, briefly identify staffing and consultant costs for this project. 3 3.The totals in this row must equal the total budget for the project, the total amount being requested from Alcoa Foundation for each year of the grant, and the grand total of the grant being requested from Alcoa Foundation. Note that the % automatically calculates to indicate both the % of the total project budget and the % of total annual operating revenue which the grant represents. PreviousNext FirstLast 6 of 7
If you don’t already have the Project Budget template open, click here to open it. (Document may open in the background, and may not be immediately visible.)click here You may save this blank template to your computer. Complete it and be prepared to attach it to your grant application. 7 of 7