Power Presentations CHAPTER 4
Would you settle on a farm or in a town? Economics in History Image It is the early 1700s when you arrive in one of America’s larger port cities. After nearly a month of ocean travel, you are thrilled to see land. As you leave the ship, you wonder where you will live and how you will earn a living. Would you settle on a farm or in a town?
Will you choose to live where other people from your homeland live Will you choose to live where other people from your homeland live? Or will you try somewhere new? How did you make a living in your old country? Will this influence your choice?
c. 1700 Colonial population reaches 257,000. 1712 Slave uprising occurs in New York City. 1718 French found city of New Orleans at mouth of Mississippi River. Spanish priests build Alamo in Texas. 1739 Enslaved Africans revolt in Stono Rebellion. 1742 First European settlement west of Allegheny Mountains is established. Image c. 1750 Population of the English colonies passes the one million mark. To World
1701 War of the Spanish Succession begins in Europe. 1707 Act of Union unites England with Scotland and creates Great Britain. 1727 George II becomes King of Great Britain. 1747 Slave trading African kingdom of Dahomey is defeated by Oyo. 1752 China suppresses Tibetan rebellion and forces Dalai Lama to accept its authority. Back to U.S. Back to Home
Main Idea Fishing and trade contributed to the growth and prosperity of the New England colonies. Why It Matters Now Coastal cities in New England continue to engage in trade.
How did New Englanders prosper from the Atlantic Ocean? ECONOMIC ACTIVITY BENEFITS TO COLONISTS Fishing Fish could be sold for consumption or export. Whaling Whale oil provided oil for lamps and for export. Trading Colonists made money from three types of Atlantic trade. Smuggling Smuggling was widespread, though illegal.
• How did most people in New England earn a living? • Why did England pass the Navigation Acts? • What factors led to the decline of the Puritan religion in New England?
• the transportation options available to colonists Making Inferences What advantages might there be in living near other people in small towns, such as those in New England? Think About • the transportation options available to colonists • why shopkeepers chose to open businesses in towns Back to Home
Main Idea The people who settled in the Middle Colonies made a society of great diversity. Map Why It Matters Now States in this region still boast some of the most diverse communities in the world.
Middle Colonies’ Population Which countries did immigrants in the Middle Colonies come from? England Holland Germany Middle Colonies’ Population Scotland Ireland Africa
• What attracted settlers to the Middle Colonies? • What service was performed at gristmills? • Why might enslaved Africans be able to join in rebellion more easily in the city than the country?
Analyzing Causes What factors allowed large coastal cities to develop in the Middle Colonies? Think About • geography • people • trade Back to Home
The economy of the Southern Colonies relied heavily on slave labor. Main Idea The economy of the Southern Colonies relied heavily on slave labor. Map Why It Matters Now The existence of slavery deeply affected the South and the nation.
What factors led to the use of slaves in the South? Causes Effect Labor-intensive cash crops required lots of workers. Planters turned to enslaved Africans for labor. Image Availability of land made it difficult to keep white laborers.
• What percentage of the South’s population was enslaved in 1750? • What crops did plantations in Georgia and South Carolina grow? • How did enslaved persons resist their slavery?
• the climate of the regions • the nature of the soil Contrasting How did geographic differences between Southern Colonies and the New England Colonies affect their labor systems? Think About • the climate of the regions • the nature of the soil Back to Home
Main Idea Settlers moved to the Backcountry because land was cheap and plentiful. Why It Matters Now Backcountry settlers established a rural way of life that still exists in certain parts of the country.
What are some of the geographic characteristics of the Backcountry? BACKCOUNTRY GEOGRAPHY 1. dense forests 2. rushing streams 3. near or in Appalachian Mountains 4. climate varied with latitude
• Which settlers migrated to the Backcountry? • How did clans help the Scots-Irish survive? • What economic activities did women carry out in the region?
• other inhabitants of the Americas Identifying Problems As England’s colonies expanded farther west, what problems would they face? Think About • other inhabitants of the Americas • the resources desired by the colonists Back to Home
1 How would you describe the life of a New England farmer? 2 In what ways did settlers in the region take advantage of the Atlantic Ocean? 3 How were New England towns settled? 4 How were farms in the Middle Colonies different than those in New England? 5 What characterized the population of the Middle Colonies?
6 Why did Southern planters infrequently travel to towns to sell their crops or to buy food and supplies? 7 Why did planters turn to enslaved Africans for labor? 8 In what ways did slaves resist? 9 Where was the Backcountry located in the 1700s? 10 How was life in the Backcountry different from that along the coast?
Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects NEW ENGLAND COLONIES MIDDLE COLONIES SOUTHERN COLONIES BACKCOUNTRY Climate Long, cold winters and a short growing season Shorter winters and a longer growing season Nearly year-round growing season Varied with latitude Causes Resources Rocky soil Fertile soil Fertile soil Woods and streams People English settlers Diverse population English and enslaved Africans Scots-Irish and Native Americans Economic Development Small farms, fishing and trade Larger farms and cash crops of grain Plantation economy Small farms Effects Back to Home
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