BOARD SCHEDULE (FY ‘02) MSG 5 Feb - 1 Mar 2002 SGM/CSM 1 Oct - 23 Oct 2002 SFC 29 May - 27 Jun 2002 HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
BOARD ELIGIBILITY NCOs must meet the basic eligibility criteria Chapter 4 of AR 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions Approximately 120 days prior to each board, PERSCOM releases a board announcement message dates of the next board guidance for submitting complete-the-record NCOERs, PQRs, letters or memorandums to the president of the board suspense dates for documents to reach the board NCOs must meet the Date of rank (DOR) and BASD parameters NCOs who have a suspension of favorable personnel action (FLAG) in effect are still eligible for consideration (promoted only if the FLAG is favorably lifted) Senior enlisted selection boards consider NCOs for promotion to SFC, MSG, SGM and for appointment to CSM. The SFC and CSM/SGM boards also concurrently select NCOs to attend the ANCOC and the SGM Course. To be eligible for consideration by a senior enlisted selection board, NCOs must meet the basic eligibility criteria. These criteria are outlined in Chapter 4 of AR 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions. Approximately 120 days prior to each board, PERSCOM releases a board announcement message to the field providing the dates of the next board and outlining all of the eligibility criteria for consideration by that board. The message also outlines the guidance for submitting complete-the-record NCOERs, PQRs, letters or memorandums to the president of the board and suspense dates for documents to reach the board. NCOs must meet the Date of rank (DOR) and BASD parameters established by HQDA and outlined in PERSCOM’s board announcement message. For portions of some boards there is a date of birth parameter. NCOs are highly encouraged to review the PERSCOM board announcement message for the board they may be eligible for. See your PAC or local military personnel office for further information or to see a board announcement message. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
BOARD INELIGIBILITY Approved retirement regardless of the date of approval Approved DA directed denial of continued active duty service or local bar to reenlistment Not possessing the appropriate level of NCOES schooling for the current grade Signed a declination of continued service statement Not possess a high school diploma, GED equivalency, or higher Items that cause NCOs who meet the DOR and BASD parameters to be ineligible for promotion or appointment consideration include the following: 1. Approved retirement regardless of the date of approval. 2. Approved DA directed denial of continued active duty service or local bar to reenlistment. 3. Not possessing the appropriate level of NCOES schooling for the current grade. 4. Signed a declination of continued service statement. 5. Not possess a high school diploma, GED equivalency, or higher. Contrary to the belief of some individuals, NCOs who have a suspension of favorable personnel action (FLAG) in effect are still eligible for consideration by senior enlisted selection boards. NCOs who are selected that have a FLAG in effect are promoted only if the FLAG is favorably lifted. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
COMPONENTS OF YOUR RECORDS Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) Personnel Qualification Record (PQR) Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) DA Form 2-1 DA Form 10B (Personal Data Sheet) DA Photo Correspondence to the President of the Board GENERAL INFORMATION Assume you are preparing for a DA Selection Board; ask yourself how you can best prepare for the board. The centralized selection system relies on information contained in your OMPF (microfiche), your official photograph and your Personnel Qualification Records (PQR) comprised of the ERB and 2-1. These documents must portray an accurate profile of your ability and potential. Although the OMPF is used for other personnel management actions throughout your career, you must realize that the accuracy of the information on the OMPF may determine whether or not a board selects you for promotion. The results of any selection board can be no more valid than the information upon which the board bases its judgment. For that reason, it is important that you personally ensure your file is current and accurate before a selection board reviews it. If you prepare your records with the same attention to detail as you would if you were preparing to appear in person, you will greatly enhance your chance for selection. Board members have the following items to review: your OMPF (microfiche), PQR, the Personnel Data Sheet (PDS), Correspondence to the President of the Board and Official Photograph. These are explained below along with Discrepancies and IWRS. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
OMPF Make sure all EER/NCO-ER/AERs are on file Check to ensure all authorized awards and decorations are filed Review old Article(s) 15s for possible transfer to restricted fiche, IAW AR 27-10 Verify college transcripts and military course completion certificates are on file Verify all documents pertain to you and not someone else MICROFICHE The microfiche provided to the board is the performance (P) fiche of your OMPF. It contains evaluation reports, awards and decorations, Article 15s, courts-martial, letters of reprimand, course completion certificates/transcripts, etc. You may also visit USAEREC in Indianapolis to review your file in person. Visit the location web page for directions to USAEREC. Keep in mind that you will review the same fiche you could get by mail. There are no paper files for you to review. Once your fiche is updated, the paper documents are destroyed. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
DA PHOTO Responsibilities: Soldier/Chain of Command (Review a Current Photo) Military Appearance Accouterments Hair/Moustache Brass -- Patches/Tabs Weight Crests -- Chevrons Awards -- O/S Bars Uniform Badges -- Service Stripes Fit/Press Shoes Sleeves/Trousers/Skirt Correct length Shirt/Blouse Tie/Neck Tab Stand at Position of Attention OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH Official photographs are not part of the performance fiche. All selection boards receive a hard copy photograph, if available. Your photograph is used in the decision process of board members. Many board members have said that the photograph is the soldier's personal statement of professionalism to the board. Since 1 Oct 91, official DA photographs have been taken in color. In early 1996 the Army began transitioning to digitized photographs. Selection boards are advised that either the full length color or the new digitized photo is sufficient when reviewing a soldier's file. Complete phase-in of the digitized photo may take several years to ensure that all soldiers have had the opportunity to have a digitized photo taken. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
DA PHOTO Photo Lab Lighting Shadows Glare Position Background Focus Taping Uniform Development/Photo Processing NOTE: The photo lab cannot make a bad-fitting, un-pressed uniform look good; they can make a good-fitting, pressed uniform look better. Although the regulation (AR 640-30) requires a photograph every five years, there is no prohibition against having one made sooner. If you have lost weight, been promoted, have new awards and/or decorations or have a better fitting uniform since your last photograph, you may want to have a new one made. Ensure that the photograph is current and sharp, that your image does not blend with the background and that you assemble the menu board accurately. A sloppy appearance, unauthorized awards and decorations or appearing to be overweight could affect your chances of selection. A missing photograph may also mislead board members to believe that you are apathetic or are trying to hide something (overweight?). Your supporting PSB/MPD will send two copies of your photograph to: U.S. Army Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center ATTN: PCRE-BA 8899 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46249-5301 DO NOT SEND IT TO PERSCOM! HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
PQR When reviewing your ERB and 2-1 (PQR), place special emphasis on the following information so there is no conflicting data between the two forms: NAME REEN eligibility/ineligibility SSN SEX GRADE RACE DOR DOB PMOS ETHNIC GROUP SMOS BASD MIL ED BESD CIV ED PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION RECORD If you are in a zone of consideration for an upcoming board, your local PSB/MPD should schedule you for a PQR review. The PQR consists of the ERB and 2-1. With the DA Form 2-1, board members can see, at a glance, your history of assignments, military schooling, promotions, etc. The ERB is a computer printout containing additional personal information. Common information such as name, SSN, DOR, BASD, etc., are found on both forms. Ensure all common information matches to avoid confusing anyone who reviews your file. Your attention to detail will eliminate any confusion. After you have reviewed your PQR, you must certify that it is correct by signing it. Remember, your servicing PSB/MPD maintains your PQR, so see them for any changes. PERSONNEL DATA SHEET The PDS is a computer-generated summary of information drawn from several different sources to include: DA personnel databases, SIDPERS, EER/NCO-ER and the PQR you submitted. USAEREC produces this form for board use only. The best thing you can do to ensure the accuracy of your PDS is to carefully verify the data on your PQR and make sure all your evaluation reports are filed in your OMPF. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD memorandum format (AR 25-50) address to board president, yet seen by voting members of the board to call attention to any matter that you feel is important to your consideration be very brief, well-written and carefully proofread include complete SSN & sign letter CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD Memorandums to the president of the selection board are seen by voting members of the board. You may write to the board president to call attention to any matter that you feel is important to your consideration. The memorandum should be very brief, well-written and carefully proofread. Address to board president. Include complete SSN. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD DO NOT- address information already in your records use as avenue to express grievances or justify past misconduct boast about yourself enclose extraneous materials HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD ADDRESS ALL MEMORANDUMS: President, (SFC, MSG, SGM) Selection Board c/o Commander U.S. Army Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center ATTN: PCRE-BA 8899 E. 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46249-5301 SIGNATURE BLOCK EXAMPLE: Show the name, social security number, rank and organization. C. A. NOTHER SFC, 999-99-9999 HHB, 1ST Bn, 92d FA HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION No soldier may appear in person before a DA selection board on his or her own behalf, or in the interest of anyone being considered. Correspondence must be received by the date stated in the zone message It will not be the basis for promotion reconsideration It will not be included in the soldier’s official military personnel file (OMPF) Receipt of correspondence will not be acknowledged PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION No soldier may appear in person before a DA selection board on his or her own behalf, or in the interest of anyone being considered. Soldiers eligible for consideration may write to the president of the promotion board to provide documents and information drawing attention to any matter concerning themselves that they feel is important to their consideration. Although written communication is authorized, it is only encouraged when there is something that is not provided in the soldier’s records that the soldier feels will have an impact on the board’s deliberations. Correspondence must be received by the date stated in the zone message, will not be the basis for promotion reconsideration, and will not be included in the soldier’s official military personnel file (OMPF). Receipt of correspondence will not be acknowledged. Documents authorized for filing in the OMPF should be sent to CDR, USAEREC, ATTN: PCRE-FS, 8899 East 56th St., Indianapolis, IN, 46249-5301 as soon as they are generated. Do not send documents that are already in the OMPF. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION The following documents will not be given to the board, therefore, should not be forwarded to USAEREC. (1) Correspondence received from anyone other than the soldier concerned. (2) Correspondence that criticizes or reflects on the character, conduct, or motives of any other soldier. (3) Incomplete appeals such as NCO-ER, AER, courts-martial, Article 15, etc. (4) Copies of NCO-ER. Only originals processed through PSB/MPD that have been received and processed by EREC will be seen by the board. Memorandums (including all enclosures) seen by a selection board become a matter of record for that board and will not be filed in the OMPF. Non-receipt of a memorandums by the board president does not constitute a ground for reconsideration by a Standby Advisory Board. The following documents will not be given to the board, therefore, should not be forwarded to USAEREC. (1) Correspondence received from anyone other than the soldier concerned. (2) Correspondence that criticizes or reflects on the character, conduct, or motives of any other soldier. (3) Incomplete appeals such as NCO-ER, AER, courts- martial, Article 15, etc. (4) Copies of NCO-ER. Only originals processed through PSB/MPD that have been received and processed by EREC will be seen by the board. Memorandums (including all enclosures) seen by a selection board become a matter of record for that board and will not be filed in the OMPF. Non-receipt of a memorandums by the board president does not constitute a ground for reconsideration by a Standby Advisory Board. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
COMMON DISCREPANCIES Missing/outdated photographs. Missing PQR. Missing NCOER. Height and weight differences - getting taller as you gain weight. Blank or incorrect PMOS/SMOS/BASD/DOR. P3 profile with no MMRB. Blank or incorrect military/civilian education entries. Wearing of unauthorized badges, tabs, awards and decorations. Illegible copies of ERB and 2-1. DISCREPANCIES The following are some common discrepancies found by DA Enlisted Selection Boards in the OMPFs of soldiers. These are not inclusive of every discrepancy. They are offered simply as a tool to use when reviewing your files. 1. Missing/outdated photographs. 2. Missing PQR. 3. Missing NCOER. 4. Height and weight differences - getting taller as you gain weight. 5. Blank or incorrect PMOS/SMOS/BASD/DOR. 6. P3 profile with no MMRB. 7. Blank or incorrect military/civilian education entries. 8. Wearing of unauthorized badges, tabs, awards and decorations. 9. Illegible copies of ERB and 2-1. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
INTERACTIVE WEB RESPONSE SYSTEM (IWRS) You may check your record by using IWRS DSN: 221-3732 COML: (703)325-3732 IWRS allows you to retrieve information about your: latest photo date, last NCOER date on file, whether a PQR or letter to the board president has been received at EREC Order a microfiche copy of your OMPF Interactive Web Response System (IWRS) You may check your record by using IWRS. IWRS allows you to retrieve information about your: latest photo date, last NCOER date on file, and whether a PQR has been received at EREC. You may also order a microfiche copy of your OMPF using this system. Check NCO-ER's, photo, PQR, letter to the board president, request microfiche: DSN: 221-3732 COML: (703)325-3732. You can also access the IVRS information via the Web. Go to to access the Interactive Web Response System (IWRS) or order your OMPF Online. HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES
SUMMARY At least six months before your records are to appear before a DA selection board, you should begin getting your records in order. See the Short Notes When Reviewing your OMPF page for some guidelines to help you review and prepare your file. Your file is appearing before the board in your place; take your time and make sure it is complete and accurate. Three parts of your file -- your photograph, your microfiche and your PQR -- contain more than 95 percent of the information on which the selection board members will decide whether or not to select you for promotion, school attendance or QMP. You must not ignore the importance of that fact. REVIEW YOUR FILE! SUMMARY At least six months before your records are to appear before a DA selection board, you should begin getting your records in order. See the Short Notes When Reviewing your OMPF page for some guidelines to help you review and prepare your file. Your file is appearing before the board in your place; take your time and make sure it is complete and accurate. Three parts of your file -- your photograph, your microfiche and your PQR -- contain more than 95 percent of the information on which the selection board members will decide whether or not to select you for promotion, school attendance or QMP. You must not ignore the importance of that fact. REVIEW YOUR FILE! HHB, 212th FA BDE 1SG KEVELES