▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank AP/Reuters to be, a personal, which, will not, other 12. You be able to add her to your list of friends. 당신은 그녀를 친구 목록에 추가하지는 못한다. 13. The 84-year-old British queen has joined the social networking site, boasts 500 million users worldwide. 84 세의 영국 여왕은 전세계적으로 5 억 명의 사용자를 가지고 있는 소셜 네트워킹 사이트에 합류하였다. 14. The royal Facebook does not have profile. 왕실의 페이스북은 개인 계정이 없다. 15. The British queen and members of the royal family will be featured in videos, photos and news items. 영국 여왕과 왕실 가족의 다른 구성원들의 동영상, 사진과 기사가 올려질 것이다. 16. Users cannot ask the royals their Facebook “friend”. 사용자들은 왕실 사람들에게 그들의 페이스북 “ 친구 ” 가 되어 줄 것을 요구할 수는 없다. * 총 25 문항, 각 문제당 4 점씩 배점 1. add2. join 3. social networking site4. worldwide 5. boast6. feature in 7. royal family8. appointment 9. personal10. instead 11. monarchy
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Queen On Facebook? Queen Elizabeth II is now on Facebook. But you will not be able to add her to your list of friends. The 84-year-old British queen has joined the social networking site, which boasts 500 million users worldwide. The British queen and other members of the royal family will be featured in videos, photos and news items. The Queen’s page will also offer daily updates on her and the royal family’s appointments. The royal Facebook does not have a personal profile, so users cannot ask the royals to be their Facebook “friend”; instead they can click to “like” the page. The page can be found at Queen Elizabeth II is now a member of ___. ①. Cy-World ②. Kakao Talk ③. Facebook ④. Nate-on 18. Which of the following is NOT true? ①. Ordinary people can add the Queen to their list of friends. ②. The Queen and the Royal Family will be featured in photos. ③. Users can click to “like” the page of the royal Facebook. ④. The Queen’s page will be updated on her appointments. 19. In the article, 'the social networking site' refers to ___. ①. 500 million users ②. Facebook ③. The British Queen ④. The Queen's address 20. The word 'boasts' in the article most closely means ___. ①. Possesses ②. Promotes ③. Brags ④. Exaggerates AP/Reuters
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Read the following sentence. Then correct the sentence. 24. She is the secretary which works in the Korean branch. 25. The students whom cheated on the test had to leave the room. 21. People will be able to add the Queen to facebook. _____ 22. Facebook has 500 million users worldwide. _____ 23. The Queen's page will keep updated every day. _____ AP/Reuters
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank AP/Reuters to be, a personal, which, will not, other 12. You will not be able to add her to your list of friends. 당신은 그녀를 친구 목록에 추가하지는 못한다. 13. The 84-year-old British queen has joined the social networking site, which boasts 500 million users worldwide. 84 세의 영국 여왕은 전세계적으로 5 억 명의 사용자를 가지고 있는 소셜 네트워킹 사이트에 합류하였다. 14. The royal Facebook does not have a personal profile. 왕실의 페이스북은 개인 계정이 없다. 15. The British queen and other members of the royal family will be featured in videos, photos and news items. 영국 여왕과 왕실 가족의 다른 구성원들의 동영상, 사진과 기사가 올려질 것이다. 16. Users cannot ask the royals to be their Facebook “friend”. 사용자들은 왕실 사람들에게 그들의 페이스북 “ 친구 ” 가 되어 줄 것을 요구할 수는 없다. * 총 25 문항, 각 문제당 4 점씩 배점 1. add [ 추가하다 ]2. join [ 합류하다 ] 3. social networking site [ 소셜 네트워킹 사이트 ]4. worldwide [ 전세계적으로 ] 5. boast [ 뽐내다, 자랑하다 ]6. feature in [~ 의 특징을 이루다 ] 7. royal family [ 왕실 ]8. appointment [ 약속 ] 9. personal [ 개인적인 ]10. instead [ 대신에 ] 11. monarchy [ 군주제 ]
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. 17. Queen Elizabeth II is now a member of ___. [3] ①. Cy-World ②. Kakao Talk ③. Facebook ④. Nate-on 18. Which of the following is NOT true? [1] ①. Ordinary people can add the Queen to their list of friends. ②. The Queen and the Royal Family will be featured in photos. ③. Users can click to “like” the page of the royal Facebook. ④. The Queen’s page will be updated on her appointments. 19. In the article, 'the social networking site' refers to ___. [2] ①. 500 million users ②. Facebook ③. The British Queen ④. The Queen's address 20. The word 'boasts' in the article most closely means ___. [1] ①. Possesses ②. Promotes ③. Brags ④. Exaggerates AP/Reuters Queen On Facebook? Queen Elizabeth II is now on Facebook. But you will not be able to add her to your list of friends. The 84-year-old British queen has joined the social networking site, which boasts 500 million users worldwide. The British queen and other members of the royal family will be featured in videos, photos and news items. The Queen’s page will also offer daily updates on her and the royal family’s appointments. The royal Facebook does not have a personal profile, so users cannot ask the royals to be their Facebook “friend”; instead they can click to “like” the page. The page can be found at
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Read the following sentence. Then correct the sentence. 24 She is the secretary which works in the Korean branch. → who 25. The students whom cheated on the test had to leave the room. → who 21. People will be able to add the Queen to facebook. [F] 22. Facebook has 500 million users worldwide. [T] 23. The Queen's page will keep updated every day. [T] AP/Reuters