1© 2009 IBM Corporation The Epistle of James Practical Christian Living Christ Baptist Church Fall 2014 James 5:7-12
2 Patience in Suffering The Epistle of James 5: How can Christians find patient endurance as they wait for Christ to return? 2.What 3 examples of patience does James give? – Which of these resonates with you? Why? How does James counsel his readers to respond in time of trouble? Coming of the Lord Titus 2:13 Tribulation in the World John 16:33 Acts 14:22
3 Patience in Suffering The Epistle of James 5: James 5:7-9 Farmers 3.How are we like “spiritual farmers?” What does it mean to “establish your hearts(v8)”? 4.What do the soil, seed, seasons, and harvest typify? 5.Where in the illustration is the secret to endurance? How does grumbling fit into this section? God wants the :Fruit of the spirit to grow Gal 5: Thes 3:2 1 Thes 3:11-12
4 Patience in Suffering James 5:10 Prophets 6.As we read of the prophets, what encouragement do we gain? 7.Why do faithful witnesses to God often undergo suffering and persecution? – Where is their reward? The Epistle of James 5: Matt 5: Tim 3:12 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Rom15:4
5 Patience in Suffering The Epistle of James 5: James 5:11-12 Job 8.What does God accomplish in Christians through suffering? 9.What meaning can the book of Job have for Christians today? 10.What should you do (or not do) when you find yourself in the midst of suffering? Paul’s thorn in the flesh 2 Cor 12:1-10
6 Patience in Suffering The Epistle of James 5: Going Deeper – The sacredness of speech James 5:12 – What does James say about oaths? Was it common to take an oath in Old testament times? Was it common to take an oath in Old testament times? Matthew 5: What does Jesus say about oaths? Are there various forms of oaths? Are there various forms of oaths? Gen 14: 22, Nehemiah 10:29 Gen 14: 22, Nehemiah 10:29 Exodus 20:7 Exodus 20:16 Exodus 20:7 Exodus 20:16
7 Patience in Suffering Challenges: What description best characterizes you in times of difficulty? – quiet, philosophical, resigned, combative, hopeless, sad, despondent …. Or Joyful in spite of your circumstances? Why is it comforting and wise to remember God’s character in times of difficulty? The Epistle of James 5: Why do we struggle with letting our yes be yes and our no be no? Ask God to help you honor him with your speech.