Exercise Referral Scheme South Staffordshire PCT Cannock Chase Locality
Aims of the Scheme ‘The adoption and maintenance of increased physical activity levels amongst sedentary individuals identified in the CC PCT locality’
Exercise Referral in Cannock Chase Led by PCT Health Promotion Dept Set up in 2003 Initially piloted in 4 GP Practices 31 GP practices now referring Serves a practice population of approximately 128,000
The ERS Scheme Provided by 2 Local Authority Leisure Centres Delivered by 3 WTE Fitness Instructors trained at Level 3 on the REPS Accepts low to medium risk referrals only Delivers a 12 week programme of gym based activity, water aerobics and walking
Referrals Only GP’s and PN’s currently refer In total 122 new referrals made from January to December 2005 and 60 from January to July 2006 Numbers of referrals range from 19 to 1 per practice Clients attend an average of 24 sessions
Reason for Referral January 2005 to December 2005
Participants by Sex January to December 2005
Starters and Finishers From January to December 2005 approximately 35% of participants finished the programme approximately 35% of participants finished the programme From January to July 2006 approximately 41% of participants finished the programme
Charges There is a charge for the scheme First Consultation : £6.60 Weekly sessions : £4.50 Final Consultation : £6.60 Currently there is a 2 week waiting list
Challenges Staff are very enthusiastic and committed……………however project managing standardised monitoring and evaluation economic analysis increased choice of activity joined up working with other partners Funding