Production and Logistics System Design Departamento de Organización de Empresas Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
José Pedro García Sabater, PhD Doctor Ingeniero Industrial Profesor Titular de Unviersidad Office: 3rd floor Departamento Organización Empresas (7D) Monday 1530 – 17:00 Tuesday 09:30 – 13:00 Wednesday 09:30-10:30
Content Introduction Product Design Process Selection Layout Planning Facility Location Inventory Control Warehousing
Bibliography Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. Chase Jacobs Aquilano. McGrawHill Subject Notes (Castellano) Gestión de Stocks de Demanda Independiente. Garcia et al. Editorial UPV
Chapters of the Chase, Jacobs, Aquilano and Topics of the Course. Introduction: Chapter 1 & Chapter 2. Product: Chapter 5 Process: Chapter 4; Technical Note 4; Chapter 5 Facility LayOut Technical Note 5 Facility Location Technical Note 10 Inventory Control Chapter 14 Warehousing
Evaluation Exam.(80% of the final Mark) January Written in English, but the same as for the Spanish Course. 2 Problems (40%) + 2 Theoretical Questions (60%) Practical Lessons (20% of the final Mark) 3 sessions To be held at the Department. Lists for the 1st session have been already posted. Voluntary Work (up to 2 points over the final mark) Movie (or similar) about a real productive or logistic system. Done by groups of maximum 2 people. Participation on debate sessions. Send 3 slides to before the start of the session. Those slides should be about a single topic of the previous session.
You have to register at Plant 0 at DOE. Lists have already been fixed. Each subgroup will have a maximum of 3 persons. Practical lessons will start on October, 2nd You have to download and print the documents that could be found at poliformat. Pls, carry those documents with you to the practical lessons.