Design and Initial Evaluation of a Competency-Based Curriculum for the Occupational Therapy Program Faculty Assessment Award Update, April 2009 Carla Chase, Ed.D., OTR Asst. Professor
1.Our profession (Occupational Therapy) adopted new standards that needed to be incorporated into the curriculum 1.The Faculty started a Curriculum Revision and decided to explore the possibility of a Competency-Based Curriculum 1.We are preparing the Self Study Report for our upcoming Accreditation Site Visit. Precipitating Events:
Objectives of this Fellowship: Create the necessary tools to support a competency-based curriculum to include training materials, grading templates and iWebfolio framework Identify all links between the 12 competencies, our accreditation standards and individual courses Evaluate the first academic year of utilizing a competency-based curriculum and its impact on student learning
Sharing of assignment descriptions and evaluation tools resulting in increased awareness. Modification of the sequence of some of these assignments to build from structured to more self-directed. Coordination of assignments between classes within the first semester in order to encourage carryover and application between topics. Identification of assessment needs at various levels to support student growth. Benefits from this Process
Created a PowerPoint Series (example to follow) to be used as a tool for faculty assigned to each course. A first semester course was chosen to include iWebfolio training. Received faculty members reports related to competencies assigned and evaluated in each course. (March 2009). Multiple course and curriculum changes have been made. Competencies will be placed into TracDat this summer. Current Status:
Foundation Basic Tenets Communication Personal Growth Problem Solving Theory Evaluation Intervention Context Management Research Ethics Support for Student Growth Discover Integrate Apply Reflect
Basic Tenets of OT 2(a)The competent occupational therapy graduate can effectively communicate to others the unique nature and value of occupation. 2(b)The competent graduate understands the dynamic role of occupation in the promotion of health and the prevention of disease and disability as well as the effects of physical and mental health on the individual’s occupational performance within all contextual considerations. 2(c)The competent graduate can analyze each aspect of occupation in order to safely and effectively formulate an intervention plan using compensatory strategies when appropriate. Embedded within the following course/s: OT2020 Orientation to Occupational Therapy OT2020 Orientation to Occupational Therapy and OT3740 Disabling ConditionsOT3740 Disabling Conditions
Course Objectives and ACOTE Standards with major emphasis within this course: 1. B.1.3 Demonstrate competence in basic computer use, including the ability to use databases and search engines to access information, word processing for writing and presentation software. Students will be preparing a presentation by gathering evidence through use of database searches organizing information. Students will be submitting assignments through WMU’s academic software platform (eLearning site) 2. B.2.4 Articulate the importance of balancing areas of occupation with the achievement of health and wellness. 3. B.2.5 Explain the role of occupation in the promotion of health the prevention of disease and disability for the individual, family and society. Students will compare socio-cultural concepts of health and illness Students will be completing a health contract to explore and analyze their personal attitudes toward health and illness 4. B.2.6 Analyze the effects of physical and mental health, heritable diseases and predisposing genetic conditions, disability, disease processes and traumatic injury to the individual within the cultural context of family and society on occupational performance. Students will be describing the classic picture in selected conditions during a series of in-class assignments a. Etiology and pathomechanics b. Signs and Symptoms (Client Factors) c. Course and prognosis d. Diagnostic procedures e. General medical and surgical management f. Impact on Participation/Engagement in occupation Students will be visiting an advocacy/support group meeting and preparing a report of the experience 5. B.8.2 Effectively locate, understand and evaluate information, including quality of research. 6. B.8.3 Use research literature to make evidence-based decisions. Students will develop a beginning line of investigation on a related topic through an evidenced based presentation on therapeutic approaches for persons with selected conditions Course Description: This course will introduce issues in health and illness as well as pathologic processes and their impact on the total individual. Selected conditions related to the following pathologic processes will be discussed: developmental, traumatic, degenerative, infectious, neoplastic, immunologic, metabolic, psychiatric, and circulatory/respiratory. (This is a Blackboard E-Learning supported course. Materials will be posted on the course site.)
Competency 2(b) Assignment COMPETENCY 2b (Basic Tenets of Occupational Therapy) Review of Research/Evidence Based Practice Choose a condition that has been or will be discussed in class. Describe how this condition may impact occupational performance in a wide array of contexts (Refer to OTPF) Identify an occupational therapy intervention that is utilized with this condition. In a scholarly database, locate 2 RESEARCH articles that study the impact of this intervention and its impact on occupational performance. (We’ll be beginning this part together in the computer lab) Complete a rough critique of these research articles. Reflect the pros and cons of this intervention and your thoughts on using this intervention in the appropriate setting. Create 7 ppt slides using the following format: (DO NOT CUT AND PASTE CONTENT FROM YOUR SOURCES INTO YOUR SLIDES. MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS.) SLIDE 1: Title of the presentation (include your name) SLIDE 2: Overview of condition to include precautions SLIDE 3: Describe potential impact of this condition on occupational performance SLIDE 4: Overview of intervention – describe/define (cite your sources) SLIDE 5: Describe 1 st research article (include full source information) SLIDE 6: Describe 2 nd research article (include full source information) SLIDE 7: Pros and cons of this intervention using good critical thinking
Evaluation of this process to begin Fall 2009 What is Next?
Thank you for this opportunity.