Greetings Common Ground Guiding Teams, We are looking forward to seeing everyone next week at the Common Ground for the Common Core Regional Convenings! We are pleased to bring you high quality professional development from experts in the field. The information below will help you prepare for your registered sessions You will find: dates, locations, and a “what to bring” list. On the second page you will find our “Common Core Spotlight” school for this edition, Hartly Elementary in the Capital School district. Great job Hartly Elementary! Issue 8 ● January What to Bring: Math Sessions: Laptops (if possible) Common Ground for the Common Core Binder Book- Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work- Leader’s Guide ELA and Content Literacy Sessions: Common Ground for the Common Core Binder Laptops are NOT needed Tuesday January 28, 2014 ELA Secondary-New Castle Location: Chase Center on the Riverfront Lobdell Room Facilitator: Expeditionary Learning ELA Elementary-New Castle Location: Chase Center on the Riverfront Harlan and Hollingsworth Room Facilitator: Expeditionary Learning Math Secondary- Kent/Sussex Location: Dover Downs Diamond Rooms Facilitator: Bill Barnes, Solution Tree Math Elementary- Kent/Sussex Location: Dover Downs Diamond Rooms Facilitator: Beth Kobett, Solution Tree Common Ground for the Common Core Workshop Dates and Locations Thursday January 30, 2014 Content Literacy Location: Modern Maturity Center East Longwood and Crystal Trust Ballrooms Facilitator: Expeditionary Learning Wednesday January 29, 2014 ELA Secondary- Kent/Sussex Location: Dover Downs Diamond Rooms Facilitator: Expeditionary Learning ELA Elementary- Kent/Sussex Location: Dover Downs Diamond Rooms Facilitator: Expeditionary Learning Math Secondary-New Castle Location: Chase Center on the Riverfront Harlan and Hollingsworth Room Facilitator: Bill Barnes, Solution Tree Math Elementary-New Castle Location: Chase Center on the Riverfront Pusey and Jones Room Facilitator: Beth Kobett, Solution Tree Webinar Dates Math Elementary: February 18 4:00-5:15 Math Secondary: February 19 4:00-5:15 ELA Elementary K-2: February 19 4:00-5:30 ELA Elementary 3-5: February 20 4:00-5:30 ELA Secondary 6-12: February 25 3:30-5:00 Content Literacy 6-12: February 26 3:30-5:00 Feedback/Feed-Forward Dates Kent/Sussex: March 11 New Castle: March 12
SPOTLIGHT ON COMMON CORE IMPLEMENTATION Capital School District: Hartley Elementary School At Hartly Elementary, we have collaboratively developed a bulletin board display representing the impact of Common Core on our classroom instruction. The display allows teachers, parents, and students to get an inside look of classroom strategies and ideas for bringing the Common Core to life. The title of our board is “Common Core Standards in Action” with a focus on Lesson Objectives/I Can Statements, Having Collaborative Conversations, Finding Text Evidence to Support students’ answers, Vocabulary, Comparing Multiple Genres, Research and Inquiry, and Narrative, Informative, and Opinion Writing. Our hope is that our board will be interactive among all stakeholders, in that we are inviting comments and feedback that will initiate changes and revisions. We feel that it will never be a finished product. It will always be a process as it relates to where we are in this Common Core journey. As our depth of knowledge on Common Core implementation expands, we look forward to using the board to represent the learning that is taking place throughout our classrooms. ~Tammy Augustus, Principal