Metrics & Significant Figures By: Chris Akrawi, Evan Rahimi, & Matt Grunstein
Table of Contents Page # 1……………..……………..………..….……...……...…….. Significant Figure Poem 2……………………….………..……………....Significant Figures’ Commandments 3…………………………………….…….……….....….The Domestic Animal Chase 4…………………..………….…………...………....The Nonchalant Killer Millipedes 5…...…………………………………….………………………………..Knock Knock! 6.…..………..…………………………………...……………….Metric System Poem 7…………………….….……………......Significant Figures & Metric System Jokes 8…...…………………..…..……………....….Metric Units and Measurements Table 9……………………………………………………………….………….……..The End
When you take a measurement, What makes it significant? The numbers that you measure Are the ones that you should treasure, If your measurement is smaller Than the number ONE, No need to hollar Soon you will be done, Find the first non-zero Thats on the left side From that place to the right, They're all sig figs, what a ride?“ Significant Figure Poem If your measurement is bigger, Than the number ONE Start with the first whole number to the left, Your counting’s just begun Go right to the last number Don’t include extra zeros Or look for a decimal point You’re a sig fig hero! six sig figs 1
Significant Figures’ Commandments 1. Thou shall count all non-zero numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) as significant. 2. Thou shall remember all zeros between non-zero numbers are significant. 3. Thou shalt remember all zeroes which are to the right of the decimal point and at the end of the number are always significant. 4. Thou shall remember all zeroes which are to the left of a written decimal point and are in a number >= 10 are always significant. 2
The Domestic Animal Chase Good Moral kittens hate dogs* But do chase many mice** normally * deka prefix = “ da ” not “d” ** micro prefix = “ μ ” not “m” 4
The Nonchalant Killer Millipedes Gigantic Millipedes killed hundreds down* By david’s charming magnificent mansion** nonchalantly * deka prefix = “ da ” not “d” ** micro prefix = “ μ ” not “m” 3
Knock Knock! George Mason knocked his door* But didn’t call mrs. mason’s** name * deka prefix = “ da ” not “d” ** micro prefix = “ μ ” not “m” 5
Meters, liters, and grams now you don ʼ t have to cram For your exam on the metric system Let me start with ways you can measure a distance, length, or height, Mad tall or super small one of these will do you right. If you try walkin ʼ a meter, it ʼ s easy to complete Because a meter ʼ s just a little bit more than 3 feet. But if you ʼ re walkin ʼ a kilometer it ʼ s gonna take a while It ʼ s 1000 meters, that ʼ s over half a mile! A centimeter ʼ s dinky the width of your pinky 100 of them go into a meter, you still with me? There ʼ s another kind of meter smaller than that, It ʼ s not very fat it ʼ s called a millimeter in fact and it ʼ s Tiny of them in a meter fit, That ʼ s 10 in a centimeter, and that ʼ s it! Metric System Poem 6
Significant Figures & Metric System Jokes What is the Definition of Significant Figures? Being wrong when you're TOO ACCURATE. What did the metric alien say? Take me to your litre! 7 2,000 pounds of Chinese soup = Won ton of soup Time between slipping on a peel and smacking the pavement = 1 bananosecond
Metric Units and Measurement Tables The Metric Units Prefix Symbol Multiplier Giga G 10 9 Mega M 10 6 Kilo k 10 3 Hecto h 10 2 Deka da 10 1 Base Unit g/m/L/etc Deci d Centi c Milli m Micro μ Nano n Metric System Measurements Length 10 millimeters = 1 centimeter 10 centimeters = 1 decimeter 10 decimeters = 1 meter 10 meters = 1 decameter 10 decameter = 1 hectometer 10 hectometers = 1 kilometer 1000 meters = 1 kilometer Area 100 sq. mm = 1 sq. cm sq. cm = 1 sq. meter 100 sq. meters = 1 are 100 ares = 1 hectares sq. meters = 1 hectares 100 hectares = 1 sq. kilometer sq. meters = 1 sq. kilometer Volume 1000 cu. mm = 1 cu. cm 1000 cu. cm = 1 cu. decimeter 1000 cu. dm = 1 cu. meter 1 million cu. cm = 1 cu. meter Capacity 10 milliliters = 1 centiliter 10 centiliters = 1 deciliter 10 deciliters = 1 liter 1000 liters = 1 cu. meter Mass/Weight 1,000,000 microgram = 1 gram 1000 milligram = 1 gram 1000 grams = 1 kilogram 1000 kilograms = 1 ton
Good luck on your mid- term!