Three-Umpire Mechanics 2012 Indiana ASA State Umpire Clinics & Schools
1. Starting Positions No runners on base U1: 18-21’; walk the line U3: 18-21’; walk the line Runner on 1 st U1: 12-15’ on line; set position U3: in line with 2B-3B; set position
1. Starting Positions Runner on 2 nd U1: behind right shoulder of 2 nd baseman; set position U3: 12-15’ on line; set position Runner on 3 rd U1: 12-15’ on line; set position U3: 12-15’ on line; set position
1. Starting Positions Runners on 1 st & 2 nd U1: behind right shoulder of 2 nd baseman; set position U3: 12-15’ on line; set position Runners on 2 nd & 3 rd U1: behind right shoulder of 2 nd baseman; set position U3: 12-15’ on line; set position
1. Starting Positions Runners on 1 st & 3 rd U1: behind left shoulder of 2 nd baseman; set position U3: 12-15’ on line; set position Bases Loaded U1: behind right shoulder of 2 nd baseman; set position U3: 12-15’ on line; set position
2. Fly Ball Responsibilities No runners on base; runner on 3 rd PU: infield U1: center fielder to dead ball territory in right field U3: center fielder to dead ball territory in left field Rotated PU: infield; left fielder to dead ball territory in left field U1: right fielder to dead ball territory in right field U3: left fielder to right fielder
2. Fly Ball Responsibilities Counter-Rotated PU: infield; right fielder to dead ball territory in right field U1: left fielder to right fielder U3: left fielder to dead ball territory in left field
Three-Umpire Mechanics # Communicate: communication is essential so that every umpire understands the situation 4. If U1 chases a fly ball, U3 is responsible for all plays at 1 st base 5. When chasing a fly ball, base umpires should move parallel to obtain a 90 o angle to the catch; if ball is near foul line, stay on line; give ball’s status followed by an appropriate signal 6. There is no holding zone in a 3-umpire system if all umpires stay inside the diamond
Before we move ahead… Umpires must communicate during the play using “2- man” or “going”; PU should also communicate when everyone stays in or an umpire chases Umpires must communicate and check to see if their partners have rotated before stopping on the play U1 should check to make sure U3 has moved to 2B U3 should check to make sure PU is at 3B PU should check to make sure U1 has rotated home If someone has not rotated, be ready to move to cover the play
Play A No runners on base, inside the park home run PU: trail 1/3 to 1B; move directly to 3B as batter- runner approaches 2B and will not come back to 1B U1: buttonhook at 1B; as runner approaches 2B and will not come back to 1B, rotate home (keep head up & watch the action; run in foul territory around plate for 90 o angle) U3: run directly to 2B to obtain 90 o angle for possible play
Play B Runner on 1 st, fly ball drops fair down right field line, runner scores and batter-runner attempts 2 nd base PU: trail 1/3 to 1B, once runner on 1 st commits to 2B move to holding zone until a throw takes you to 3B or home plate U1: chase ball staying on line, signal fair ball U3: buttonhook, watch for tag up and batter-runner touching 1B, move parallel for 90 o angle on play at 2B
Play C Runner on 2 nd, fly ball caught in center field, subsequent play at 3 rd base PU: move to holding zone, move back toward home as throw goes to 3B U1: chase fly ball & obtain 90 o angle; signal out U3: move inside for tag up, move parallel for 90 o angle at 3B
Play D Runner on 2 nd, fly ball dropped in center field, play made on runner going to 3 rd base PU: move up to holding zone, once throw is made to 3B move inside for 90 o angle U1: chase fly ball & obtain 90 o angle, make signal if needed U3: move inside for tag up, once ball is dropped release runner at 2B to PU once she commits to 3B; watch batter-runner touch 1B, move parallel with her if she continues
Play E Bases loaded, fly ball caught down right field line, throw home for an out, then throw to 3 rd base PU: stay on line for fly ball, give ball status, signal out, keep 90 o angle for play at home plate U1: buttonhook, take tag up at 1B & 2B, move parallel to obtain 90 o angle for any plays at 1B or 2B U3: buttonhook, take tag up at 3B, obtain 90 0 angle for play at 3B
Play F No runners on base, fly ball to left field, play at 2 nd base PU: trail 1/3 to 1B; move to holding zone when batter- runner approaches 2B and will not come back to 1B U1: buttonhook at 1B, watch batter-runner touch 1B, move parallel for play at 2B U3: chase fly ball & obtain 90 o angle, make signal if needed
Play G Runner on 2 nd, base hit through the infield, batter- runner attempts 2 nd base PU: stay at home plate for any plays U1: buttonhook and watch batter-runner touch 1B and move parallel for 90 o angle at 2B U3: buttonhook and watch runner touch 3B
Play H Runner on 1 st steals 2 nd, ball is overthrown to the outfield and runner attempts for home plate PU: move to 3B and obtain 90 o angle for possible play U1: once runner commits to 2B move directly to home plate and obtain 90 o angle for the play U3: wait for play at 2B, once ball goes to the outfield, buttonhook and observe the rest of the play
Play I Runner on 1 st, base hit through the infield, runner attempts for 3 rd base, then a subsequent play is made on batter-runner at 1 st base on a pickoff PU: trail batter-runner to 1B; once runner at 1 st commits to 2 nd and will not return to 1B, move directly to 3B obtaining a 90 o angle to the play U1: buttonhook; stay with batter-runner and move parallel to 1B to obtain 90 o angle to possible play U3: buttonhook & watch runner touch 2B;
Play I – Possible Deviation Runner on 1 st, base hit through the infield, runner attempts for 3 rd base, then a subsequent play is made on batter-runner at 1 st base on a pickoff PU: trail batter-runner to 1B; once runner at 1 st commits to 2 nd and will not return to 1B, move directly to 3B obtaining a 90 o angle to the play U1: buttonhook; watch batter-runner touch 1B; once lead runner approaches 2B and will not come back to 1B, move directly to home plate obtaining 90 o angle to possible play U3: buttonhook & watch runner touch 2B; push U1 to home plate and take pickoff of batter-runner at 1B (obtain a 90 o angle)
Play J Runner on 2 nd, fly ball to center field is dropped, runner scores but a pickoff throw is made at 1 st PU: move to holding zone; observe play until a throw takes you to 3B or home plate U1: chase fly ball & obtain 90 o angle; make call if needed U3: move inside for tag up at 2B; release runner once ball is dropped and she commits to 3B; watch batter- runner touch 1B and move parallel back to obtain 90 o angle on pickoff at 1B