Arctic Wolf By: Abby James
Structural Adaptations One structural adaptation of the Arctic Wolf is it’s white fur. This is an important adaptation because the wolf needs to blend in with its surroundings, so they can hide from predators and sneak up on prey. A second structural adaptation is wide footpads. This is an important adaptation because the arctic wolf does not have to sink into the snow. A third structural adaptation is small ears. This is an important adaptation because the wolf needs to maintain it’s body heat in the cold climates. A fourth structural adaptation is the arctic wolves think shaggy coats. This is an important adaptation because it helps them stay warm in the arctic cold. A fifth structural adaptation is it’s sharp canines. This is an important adaptation because the arctic wolf can eat the insides of the prey, and scare off predators.
Behavioral Adaptation One behavioral adaptation of the arctic wolf is taking turns eating meals. This is an important adaptation because the arctic wolves need take to take turns rolling around the dead organisms body until they all got the smell of the dead organism. A second behavioral adaptation is the leader of the pack keeps everything in charge. This is an important adaptation because the leaders keep the pack safe by always being on the look out for intruders going in to their den. A third behavioral adaptation is the sneak attack. This is an important adaptation because the arctic wolf pack make a sneak attack on the musk oxen and then kill it. A behavioral adaptation is chasing the animal. This is an important adaptation because the arctic wolf will chase the prey then the prey will get tired and stop then the arctic wolf will eat it.
Habitat The arctic wolf lives in the treeless Plaines in the arctic. It lives in Europe. It also lives in parts of Canada (Alberta). It lives in Northern parts of Greenland
Diet The arctic wolf is a carnivore and typically eats rodents. It also eats musk oxen, deer, rabbits, squirrels, birds, some fish, moose, caribou, and other herd animals. The arctic wolf hides it’s food under the snow for later purpose. The arctic wolf can go up to a month without food. It will not eat members of the wolves pack. If the wolf finds another dead wolf from another pack, it will eat the other wolf.
Food Chain Sun Grass Musk Ox Arctic wolf
Resources Wolves the movie The World Book 2008 To the Top of the World -Adventures with Arctic Wolves by Jim Brandenburg The Arctic Wolf –Living With the Pack by L. David Mech