WEEK #7 SHOOTING RACE Ages 6 & 7 C The coach calls out a number and the players dribble around the cone & score. Retrieve their ball quickly and get back in line.
WEEK #7 SHOOTING RACE Ages 6 & 7 C The coach calls out a number and the players dribble around the cone & score. Retrieve their ball quickly and get back in line. One more time
WEEK #7 GRAB A BALL & SHOOT Ages 6 & 7 C The coach calls out a number & the players run to get a ball & dribble to score a goal. Leave their ball in the goal. After everyone has a chance, get a ball out of the goal & dribble it back to the coach to set up the drill again.
WEEK #7 GRAB A BALL & SHOOT Ages 6 & 7 C The coach calls out a number & the players run to get a ball & dribble to score a goal. Leave their ball in the goal. After everyone has a chance, get a ball out of the goal & dribble it back to the coach to set up the drill again. One more time
WEEK #7 CHASE Ages 6 & 7 C The coach blows the whistle for the shooter to dribble to the goal. On the second whistle the chaser tries to catch the shooter. Brrrr!
WEEK #7 CHASE Ages 6 & 7 C The coach blows the whistle for the shooter to dribble to the goal. On the second whistle the chaser tries to catch the shooter. Brrrr!
WEEK #7 CHASE Ages 6 & 7 C The coach blows the whistle for the shooter to dribble to the goal. On the second whistle the chaser tries to catch the shooter. Brrrr! One more time
WEEK #7 CHASE Ages 6 & 7 C The coach blows the whistle for the shooter to dribble to the goal. On the second whistle the chaser tries to catch the shooter. Brrrr!