“A splendid, little war”- Secretary of State John Hay
Rebellion broke out in Cuba in 1895 seeking independence from Spain. (imperialism) Jose Marti-Hero of the Cuban independence movement. Traveled to the U.S. to gather money, arms, and troops. In 1895 he led his people in a huge revolt against Spanish occupation. Some Cuban people were being held in concentration camps and being treated very poorly. United States became concerned about Cuba’s people and we got concern (here starts the world’s policeman theory) Yellow journalism (exaggerated writing) whipped the American public into a hostile frenzy. Hearst Pulitzer
The battleship U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana harbor in 1898 killing 260 American sailors. Most believed at the time that Spain blew up the Maine. U.S. declared war on Spain. Congress declared Cuba independent.
Manila (Philippines) Commodore George Dewey launches a surprise attack— Destroys the whole Spanish fleet in a few hours. Thousands of miles away…first military action starts here U.S. troops and Pilipino rebels capture the city of Manila. Havana Harbor (Cuba) U.S. Navy destroyed Spanish fleet in Cuba. Teddy Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” won the battle of San Juan Hill.
Emilio Aguinaldo-Filipino rebel. Fought with the U.S. to defeat the Spanish. Then, fought against the U.S. for a independent Philippines. Commodore Dewey- U.S. naval leader in the Philippines. Defeated the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay and was an instant hero.
5,462 Americans died (379 in battle) Most killed by malaria, typhoid, dysentery, or yellow fever Wool uniforms and diseased, rotten, or poisoned rations. War ended less than 4 months after it started: U.S. annexed Puerto Rico and Guam (also, was a “protectorate” of Cuba and occupied the Philippines) Cuba was given independence w/ Platt Amendment
Now, what should we do with the Philippines? Anti-Imperialists in the U.S.- ~America’s rule of the Philippians went against the democratic principles on which the U.S. was founded. --Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie Imperialists- ~Philippines would provide the U.S. with another naval base in the Pacific and a large market for American goods. This would help the “uncivilized people of the word.”
Now, what did happen with the Philippines? The U.S. learned that controlling the new empire (the Philippines) was more difficult than expected. They were now fighting Emilio Aguinaldo’s rebel troops for independence. Finally, the U.S. decided to prepare the Philippines for self-rule. In 1946, the Philippines gained its independence from the U.S.
Jose Marti returns to Cuba to lead a revolt January, 1898-McKinley sends the Maine to Cuba February 15 th, 1898-The Maine blows up in Havana Harbor April 25 th, 1898-Congress declared war on Spain May 1 st, 1898-Dewey launched a surprise attack on the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay July 1 st, 1898-Rough Riders defeat the Spanish in the Battle of San Juan Hill July 3 rd, Spanish Fleet is destroyed in Santiago Harbor, Cuba August 12 th, Spanish signed an armistice, or peace agreement with U.S.---Treaty of Paris