Firm Foundations Lesson 15: God Scattered the Rebels At the Tower of Babel
Introduction Review What was the attitude of the people in Noah’s day? Who was speaking to people’s minds, urging them to repent? Why did God save Noah? What else did Noah do while he was building the ark? How did those saved from judgment enter the ark? What happened to those who didn’t enter the ark? Have you ever wondered? Why do people around the world speak so many languages?
God remembered Noah Genesis 8:1-4,14-17 God kept Noah, his family, and the animals safe God sent wind to dry up the water; land appeared God never changes or forgets Where did the ark land?
Mt. Ararat
God gave His commands and promises to Noah Genesis 9:1-2 Be fruitful and multiply Have dominion over the earth and its creatures
God gave the rainbow as His sign Genesis 9:12-15 A sign that God would never again destroy the earth by flood Psalm 104:6-9 Thousands of years have passed since the flood God can be trusted
Next week… Read Genesis 11 What were the people like back then? What did the people try to do? How did God foil their plans?
God’s record of the nations Genesis 10 – Table of Nations The generations of the sons of Noah We all find our ancestry here
The people forgot God’s judgment Genesis 11:1-4 Many years have passed since the flood The earth was being quickly repopulated Most of Noah’s descendants had forgotten God They forgot the flood They would not honor God Psalm 19:1-3 They turned away from truth, and became evil and foolish Romans 1:18-32
The people became evil Satan was leading them to rebel Satan wants people to worship false gods Many still worship the planets and animals God is sovereign Isaiah 42:8 They built a tower Genesis 11:4 They rebelled against God’s mandate Genesis 1:28 9:1-2
God saw them Genesis 11:5 The Lord came down to see them Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place… Psalm 139 The Lord knows every detail about us
God scattered them Ezekiel 18:4 “All souls are mine…” Can anyone fight against God and win? Genesis 11:6-9 God caused them to speak different languages They moved away from each other ¡No puedo entenderle! Ik kan niet u begrijpen! Je ne peux pas vous comprendre! Non posso capirlo!
Conclusion The Bible is a history book! Do you see any patterns in this history? Rebellion God never changes God is righteous and holy God judges sin God is still calling people to believe in Him