The Great Rebellion
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion2 The Rebellion Begins The story of the rebellion begins with four men. (Num 16:1) The story of the rebellion begins with four men. (Num 16:1) Korah, the son of Izhar. Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, the son of Reuben. On, the son of Peleth. The sons of Reuben.
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion3 The Rebellion Begins The men mentioned above joined together with 250 leaders of the congregation and came against Moses. (Num 16:3-11) The men mentioned above joined together with 250 leaders of the congregation and came against Moses. (Num 16:3-11) Dathan and Abiram rejected Moses' authority and would not answer his call. (Num 16:12-15) Dathan and Abiram rejected Moses' authority and would not answer his call. (Num 16:12-15)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion4 The Rebellion Begins Moses described the specifics of how the Lord would show who was His chosen. (Num 16:16-19) Moses described the specifics of how the Lord would show who was His chosen. (Num 16:16-19) The Lord was ready to consume the congregation assembled together. Moses and Aaron pleaded with the Lord. (Num 16:20-30) The Lord was ready to consume the congregation assembled together. Moses and Aaron pleaded with the Lord. (Num 16:20-30)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion5 The Rebellion Begins The Israelites complained against Moses and Aaron for the death of Korah and his followers. The Lord struck Israel with a plague. 14,700 people died from the plague. (Num 16:41-50) The Israelites complained against Moses and Aaron for the death of Korah and his followers. The Lord struck Israel with a plague. 14,700 people died from the plague. (Num 16:41-50)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion6 Lessons Learned from the Rebellion of Korah
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion7 Lessons Learned Those who reject the authority of God will often lead people down the road of rebellion. Those who reject the authority of God will often lead people down the road of rebellion. Korah led other people down the road of rebellion. Two hundred and fifty men along with others followed Korah's rebellious deeds. (Nums 16:2)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion8 Lessons Learned Those who reject the authority of God will often lead people down the road of rebellion. Those who reject the authority of God will often lead people down the road of rebellion. Moses was a shadow of Christ. (Acts 3:22-23) Some will reject Christ. (John 8:24; 12:48; Heb 10:39) They will lead people. (Jde 1:3-11, 16)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion9 Lessons Learned Those who are rebelling will often make false charges. Those who are rebelling will often make false charges. Korah and the rest made false charges against Moses and Aaron. (Numbers 16:3, 13-14)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion10 Lessons Learned Those who are rebelling will often make false charges. Those who are rebelling will often make false charges. Those rebelling against the truth will make false charges and accusations against those following the Lord. Some people made false charges against Jesus. (Mark 14:55-59) The faithful will be attacked. (1 Pet 3:15-16; 1 Pet 2:11-12)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion11 Lessons Learned In the end, rebellion is simply people who set themselves against the Lord. In the end, rebellion is simply people who set themselves against the Lord. According to the words of Moses, Korah and his followers had gathered themselves against the Lord. (vs 11) Those who rebel are rebelling against the Lord. (John 12:48-49)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion12 Lessons Learned Avoid the company of those who rebel. Avoid the company of those who rebel. Moses instructed the congregation to stay away from the tents of the wicked men. (vs 26) We must learn to avoid those who would rebel against the Lord. (2 Tim 3:1-7; Rom 16:17)
August 9, 2009The Great Rebellion13 Lessons Learned The sign of God's power will come upon all who rebel against Him. The sign of God's power will come upon all who rebel against Him. The people saw that God had sent Moses as the rightful leader of Israel. (vs 30) A time will come when the Lord will destroy those who rebel, showing that Jesus was the one sent by the heavenly Father. (2 Thess 1:7-9)