Chapter 13 Section 2 Notes Twenties women


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 13 Section 2 Notes Twenties women Many women began to demand same freedoms as men Flapper – an emancipated young women of the 1920’s Emancipated in the way they dressed, acted etc… Views of marriage changed to being more of an equal partnership Flappers did not represent attitudes and values of many young people Flappers disgraced elders but it was more image than reality Casual dating became accepted Double Standard = Women expected to be more strict than men

Chapter 13 Section 2 Notes Female workers during WWII replaced by men. Women professions – Teachers, nurses, librarians, secretaries, clerks, assembly line workers. By 1930 10 million women working Women earned less than men 1920’s birth control introduced, and birth rate went down Housewives – giving themselves more free time. Children spent more time at school and with others their age. Teens started rebelling.

Chapter 13 Section 2 Notes The Jazz Age The Jazz Age was a movement that took place during the 1920s or the RoaringTwenties from which jazz music and dance emerged. The movement came about with the introduction of main stream radio and the end of the war. This era ended in the 1930s with the beginning of The Great Depression but has lived on in American pop culture for decades.

Chapter 13 Section con’t. The birth of jazz music is often accredited to African Americans but expanded and modified to become socially acceptable to middle-class white Americans. Even though the jazz movement was taken over by the middle class white population, it facilitated the mesh of African American traditions and ideals with the white middle class society Areas like New York and Chicago were cultural centers for jazz, and especially for African American artists. In urban areas, African American jazz was played on the radio more often than in the suburbs. 1920s youth used the influence of jazz to rebel against the traditional culture of previous generations. This youth rebellion of the 1920s went hand-in-hand with fads like bold fashion statements (flappers) and new radio concerts

Chapter 13 Section 2 Notes As the 1920s wore on, jazz, despite competition with classical music, rose in popularity and helped to generate a cultural shift. Dances like the Charleston, developed by African Americans, suddenly became popular among younger demographics With the beginning of large-scale radio broadcasts in 1922, Americans were able to experience different styles of music without physically visiting a jazz club. The radio provided Americans with a trendy new avenue for exploring the world through broadcasts and concerts from the comfort of their living room

Chapter 13 Section 2 Notes Jazz artists like Louis Armstrong originally received very little airtime because most stations preferred to play the music of white American jazz singers. Big-band jazz, like that of James Reese Europe and Fletcher Henderson in New York, was also popular on the radio This style represented African Americans in the cultural scene predominately controlled by white Americans

Chapter 13 Section 2 Quiz 1.) Name one thing that led to crime in the major cities? a.) Lack of Police b.) Limited immigration lead to anger by immigrants c.) Prohibition 2.) What was an emancipated young girl of the 1920’s called? a.) Showgirl b.) Flapper c.) Diva 3.) How did people starting changing their views of marriage? a.) They started viewing women as being equal with men in marriage b.) They started viewing men as the dominant person in a marriage c.) People’s views remained unchanged about marriage 4.) Why was their a double standard between men and women? a.) Men were expected to be strict while women weren’t b.) Women were expected to be strict while men weren’t c.) Women got higher paying jobs than men 5.) Name a common profession held by women during this time? a.) Nurse b.) Soldier c.) Lawyer 6.) Name a common profession held by women during this time? a.) Policeman b.) Fire fighter c.) Teacher 7.) Name a common profession held by women during this time? a.) Librarian b.) Mayor c.) CEO’s 8.) Name a common profession held by women during this time? a.) Deputy b.) Secretary c.) Professional Athlete 9.) What type of wages did women make when compared to men? a.) The same wages b.) Lower wages c.) Higher wages 10.) Name one way in which teenagers started changing during this time? a.) They began to work at an earlier age b.) They became more conservative c.) They began to rebel