Made in 1955 Directed by Nicholas Ray James Dean starred as Jim Stark – Also in the movie “Giant” Natalie Wood starred as Judy Also in “West Side Story” Sal Mineo starred as Plato Also in “Giant” & “Escape From Planet of the Apes” Dennis Hopper’s first role as “Goon” Jim Backus starred as Frank Stark Also Mr. Magoo and Mr. Howe on “Gilligan’s Island
Director rode around with L.A. Gangs for several months before shooting. Actors wore chainmail and used real blades in the knife fight. Myth that James Dean got malaria is not true. Dean bruised his hand when hitting the desk in the police station. Director is seen walking toward the observatory in the last scene. Beginning originally had a gang beating up a father who dropped the monkey that Dean is actually seen with in the opening.
T-shirt sales rose after movie due to Dean. Wood first considered too naïve for role. Stark originally supposed to be more of a nerd at the beginning. Alternative ending had Plato fall from the tower of the observatory. Dean, Wood, and Mineo died young under tragic circumstances. Dean died in a car crash. Mineo was stabbed Wood drowned. In addition Edward Platt (Ray Fremick) committed suicide.
Dean improvised the first scene with the monkey. Dean was originally unavailable due to “Giant” but Elizabeth Taylor got pregnant. Living room of Stark house based on Director’s bungalow. Originally supposed to be in black and white. “You’re tearing me apart.” - #97 on 100 Greatest Movie Lines list. Chickie run filmed at Warner Bros. in Calabasas, CA Cars drove on flat land to a bluff only ft. high Cliff overlooking ocean built on sound stage Stark is an anagram for Trask which was Dean’s character in “East of Eden.”
Frank Mazzola (Crunch) was an actual gang member of the Athenians. Candles that Wood, Dean, and Mineo carry through the house were lit via a wire that ran through Mineo’s jacket. Debbie Reynolds and Jayne Mansfield were considered for part of Judy. Dean was actually 24 when he made the film, whose character was a teenager. Part where Jim & Judy find Plato wearing one black sock was improvised. Mineo put socks on wrong. Original names were Jim, Eve, and Demo. Name of the gang in the movie was The Kickaboo’s Movie begins and end at The Griffith Observatory. Hollywood sign rests behind it but can’t be seen.