Bellringer On the back of the American Revolution Notes sheet, write down everything you can think of about the American Revolution BJOTD: What do you feed invisible cats?
Age of Revolution American Revolution
Background/Causes French and Indian War French vs. British (fought all over the world) very expensive British felt colonists should help pay for the war Parliament passed laws to raise taxes from the colonies (Sugar Act, Stamp Act, etc…)
Background/Causes “No taxation without representation” Colonists are not represented by Parliament therefore Parliament cannot tax them Only the colonists’ assemblies have the right to tax them Parliament has violated the colonists natural rights – can overthrow Great Britain
Key Events 1770 Boston Massacre (British soldiers fire on crowd that was throwing snowballs at them) 1773 Boston Tea Party (to protest the tax on tea, colonists dress up like Indians and dump tea overboard)
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Key Events July 4,1776 Declaration of Independence (natural rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, government exists to protect our rights, if government fails – overthrow it) France aid colonists in their fight for independence from Great Britain
Results Constitution – outlines U.S. Government many Enlightenment ideas (freedom of speech, religion, etc… + separation of powers, checks and balances, etc…) United States a country born during the Age of Enlightenment (great experiment)
Time to Debate! Put yourself in the shoes of the British colonists. Do the people of the British colonies in the Americas have the right to rebel against British rule? You will be separated into pro and con
Timing 5 minutes for each side—2 minutes to think of rebuttal—1 minute rebuttal; overall discussion
Discussion Questions What was the philosophy of Hobbes? What was the philosophy of Locke? What were some of the major points of the pro side? The con? What were some of the rebuttal arguments? How do we feel?
Writing Prompt Did the people of the British colonies in the Americas have the right to rebel against British rule? Using your notes from the debate today, prepare a comprehensive answer to this question that includes a thesis statement and at least three pieces of evidence that support your thesis statement.
Thesis Statement The people of the British colonies had/did not have the right to rebel BECAUSE of a, b, c. A, b, and c are your reasons. Pick 3 that you can back up with evidence!
Writing Prompt Due by the end of class today Turn in prompt and pick up your study guide for your test next class.