Causes of Rebellion in the 13 Colonies 7 th Grade Social Studies
Warm Up! According to this video, why did the people in the 13 Colonies decide to rebel against British rule?
Steps Towards Revolution We already know that… America was first a set of 13 Colonies run by England. America became a country when the American Colonists decided to rebel against England and become independent. Today we’ll find out… Why the American colonists felt that they had to break away from England. How the American colonists first showed how they were feeling to the King of England.
Life in the Colonies Why did people leave Europe and come to the 13 American Colonies?
Life in the Colonies People left Europe and came to the 13 American Colonies because…. There were economic opportunities in America that weren’t available in Europe (land for agriculture, natural resources line timber and furs, possible gold.) Escape Religious Persecution Basically: Life in Europe was crowded, and it was a lot harder to rise up in society!
Life in Europe vs. Life in the American Colonies 1700s: London, EnglandJamestown, Virginia
But Then the King of England Raised the Taxes! The Sugar Act (1764) Stamp Act (1765) Townshend Acts (1767) Tea Act (1773)
Sugar Act (1764) Raised taxes on sugar, molasses, silk, wine, and coffee t/files/2009/10/ sugar.jpg
Stamp Act (1765) Taxed all printed materials Newspapers Mortgages Licenses Playing Cards Etc. Repealed in 1766
Townshend Act (1767) Taxes on glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea Allowed British customs officers to search any ship. commons/thumb/9/9a/CharlesTownsh end.jpg/200px-CharlesTownshend.jpg
Tea Act (1773) Actually lowered the cost of tea! Made British shipped Tea cheaper than the Colonial smuggled Dutch Tea Colonists were set to lose lots of revenue m/college_guide/college_guide/ima ges/tea_cup.jpg
The Result of All These Taxes? Boston Tea Party! December 17, Men dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor Major Leaders: John Hancock and Sam Adams oto.php/7/7a /JohnHancoc kSmall.jpeg pon- content/uploads /2010/03/Sam_ Adams.jpg
Independent Work Complete the “Cause and Effect” worksheet!