Into the Wild Lab Day 11H
Swbat draft their introduction and outline essay DO NOW: Have out your introduction/thesis paragraph out for me to check.
OUTLINE Think about the outline you wrote with the research paper. What are the big points you want to make to prove your thesis? Match up the text(s) that match with the point.
Can I have two texts per point? You can have two texts per point. Example: A rebel does not only use actions to make a statement. “Self-Reliance” “Resistance”
Can I break the texts up? You can split the “like idea” into two separate paragraphs Example: A rebel does not only use actions to make a statement. One paragraph: “Self-Reliance” Make a Transition: Emerson suggested a social experiment, while Thoreau used his words to suggest a social change. Second paragraph: “Resistance”
The dreaded many... ●Ideas drive your essay. ●This should be a 5 page paper when you are done. ●Minimum 7 paragraphs. ●Make this your best effort. Show how your skills have grown!!!
Expectation Intro and thesis typed today. You go home tonight and type/write two body paragraphs. I am checking the body paragraphs tomorrow
Exit Give me a Thumbs up or Thumbs down about your progress. What can you do to feel better about your essay?