Is Anyone Thirsty?
The Story of Hezekiah’s Tunnel Listen to the audio (5.28) to hear the story and how we did it! with thanks to Lydia & Ruth for the illustrations.
Good King Hezekiah
Evil King Sennacherib!
Hezekiah has an idea.
Build a tunnel!
Digging under the city walls!
An Inscription
More work to do.
Jerusalem has water!
King Sennacherib is attacking us!
King Sennacherib tried to get the people to rebel.
King Sennacherib said, “No God has even been able to rescue his people from me!”
The people prayed.
God’s angels came...
The people of Jerusalem were safe!
Prayer for Israel and Gaza. People under seige and suffering in conflict. Listen to the audio (13.35) to hear our prayers for Gaza and Israel.
Do you feel besieged by the problems of life? PRAYER Do you feel besieged by the problems of life? Do you need the water of life?
A PRAYER FOR THOSE FEELING BESEIGED Father God For those who feel trapped today - may they find freedom. For those in despair - may they find new hope. For those suffering illness and pain - may they experience your healing power. For those who are angry with You - may they discover Your love and peace once again. For all of us here today - please give us the water of life that Jesus offers, Water that refreshes, renews and brings joy – and never runs out. Amen
at the end of Hezekiah’s Tunnel. (31.17) The Pool of Siloam at the end of Hezekiah’s Tunnel. (31.17)
Listen to the audio (33.14) to hear how our congregation acted out the amazing water celebrations of the Feast of Tabernacles and what happened when Jesus came along!
Is Anyone Thirsty? Jesus said. “Let them come to me and drink!”
Is Anyone Thirsty? Come to Jesus every day and drink!