Vocabulary: Word Roots -frac- -rupt- Vocabulary: Word Roots
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Word roots form the basic part of the word and give the word its meaning. Adding prefixes and suffixes changes the meaning of the original word. Word roots “-frac-” and “-rupt-” both mean “to break”.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ..................................... Breaking the rules. Infraction Accuse them of some infraction on their shop, and the shop will shut down. Explode, Blow up. Erupt Most of the world’s volcanoes probably erupt under the oceans.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ..................................... Explode, Blow up. Erupt Most of the world’s volcanoes probably erupt under the oceans.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ..................................... Break or crack. Fracture Once you loose your footing it is easy to fall and fracture your bones.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ..................................... The act of breaking or bursting or the state of being broken. Rupture As the pressure increases, the eardrum might rupture.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ..................................... To break off or cause to cease, As in the middle of something. Interrupt The mail man rung the bell and interrupted our discussion.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ..................................... A small part broken or detached. Fragment After the vase fell there were scattered fragments of it on the floor.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ To interrupt. Disrupt The news disrupted there conference.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ……………………………………… .………………………….. Penniless. Bankrupt When a player gets into debt and cant persuade anybody else to lend him money, he goes bankrupt.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ……………………………………… Dishonest, crooked. Corrupt Rebels are people who rebel against corrupt systems.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Meaning: Word: ....................... Example:................................................ ……………………………………… Sudden or unexpected. Abrupt His abrupt manner in answering might leave an impression of lack of concern.
Word Roots: -frac-,-rupt- Given the meaning, identify the word and give an example: Meaning: Word: ....................... Example: ....................................................................................... 2. Meaning: Example: ............................................................................ Dishonest, crooked. Corrupt Rebels are people who rebel against corrupt systems. Sudden or unexpected. Abrupt His abrupt manner in answering might leave an impression of lack of concern.