Choir Student Executive Board A word from your President… What is it? What do you do in Student Choir Board? ….Confused? This will sum it all up for ya!
Definition: Choir Student Executive Board- a group of students chosen from each choir who help create and execute events. These events will include, but are not limited to: activities, fundraisers, Coffeehouse, and many more!
Activities (aka: Choir Bonding) Examples: –Movie on the Football Field (or Gym) –Game Nights –Choir Barbeque (!!!) We help set up beforehand –Haunted House –Choir Gear Creating We create/design a garment every year for the choir as a whole. –Sign-in responsibilities At choir events (Ex. Tree, Pop, Banquet) student board members are responsible to help sign in students to the concerts and rehearsals. –Fricano’s After- Tree Party –Caroling –Club Expo Booth Fundraisers –Choir Car Wash –Coffeehouse –Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
Coffeehouse Coffeehouse takes place in the Fall and Spring. It is a small variety show that takes place in the Cafeteria. It’s a chilled environment with many acoustic songs and various vocal talent. Coffeehouse (like the actual coffee shop) has drinks available for purchase at event. Where does Choir Board fit? –Choir Board Judges Auditions and creates a show order. –They help put up signs and set up for the event after school. –They help out during the show, and enjoy the show! –Don’t worry, it’s quite normal to have Choir Board members perform in Coffeehouse!
When, Where, Why?? Choir Board usually meets at least once a month on Mondays in the Choir Room or Choir Office. At the meetings we discuss plans we have, and ideas for any fundraisers or activities. Usually when a plan is made, each member of the board has a responsibility (usually a phone call or writing something up). There will be an appointed Secretary, who will have to type up the notes from the day’s meetings and bring them in the next day to give to all members of the board. There will also be a Vice President (announced later in the year) who will be passed down the crown to be the president next year. This will be a Junior. To have many people apply is a great thing! We are open to opinions and would like to hear ideas from you! Student Choir Board represents the voice of the Choir Students! Huzzah!