Evaluation as a Tool for Leadership Bertha M. Gorham, Ph.D., Evaluator Jeremiah 33:3
LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE - JULY 2010 PHASE 1 – PILOT Completed survey in April 2011 Results presented in June 2011 PHASE 2 – IMPLEMENTATION February 2013 – May 2014
TIMELINE: We propose that ministries will begin to be contacted in February and that there will be quarterly updates as follows: BEGIN SURVEY STATUS RESULTS February 2013 March 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 May 2014
COMMISSION ON CHURCH LIFE: Bridges, Parking, Transportation, Debutante & Master's, Nursery Volunteers, Sponsor a Child, Welcome Committee, Sports COMMISSION ON YOUTH: Boys to Men, Teen Temple
COMMISSION ON WORSHIP & LITURGY : Prayer Ministry (PUSH), Youth & Young Adult Choir, RTAMEC Temple Choir, Dance Ministry, Senior. Usher Board, Mighty Men of Reid Choir COMMISSION ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Church School, Pathways to Life: HIV/AIDS Ministry, New Members Orientation, Foundations of Faith, Marriage God's Way, Tutorial Ministry Ministries Surveyed
COMMISSION ON MISSIONS & WELFARE: Young People's Division of the Missionary Society, Masters Touch, Deliverance Ministry COMMISSION ON STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE: Pastor's Agape Society, Stewardess Board, Fishes & Loaves, Employment Assistance
COMMISSION ON EVANGELISM & OUTREACH: College Outreach, Global Outreach, Harvest Warriors, Prison Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry Ministries Surveyed
10 Commissions 33 Ministries 326 Leaders and Workers Ministries Surveyed
Relevance of Mission Statement Ministry Function and Operations Administrative Effectiveness Ministry Accomplishments Need for Improvements Survey Topics
91% of respondents believe their ministry is still relevant Survey Results
84% of respondents believe their ministry is making good or excellent progress Survey Results
95% think the ministry mission statement is accurate or somewhat to mostly accurate. Survey Results
How ministries select leaders Voted In Pastor Appoints Leaders Appoint Members Volunteer 29% 18% 5% 32% 11% Don’t Know
Should all members be aware of how leaders are elected or appointed?
Effectiveness of the Ministry in Applying Administrative Procedures Applying and navigating ministry policies and procedures Survey Results
Effectiveness of the Ministry in Applying Administrative Procedures Submitting vouchers in the specified timeframe Survey Results
Effectiveness of the Ministry in Applying Administrative Procedures Submitting timely requests for meeting space Survey Results
Effectiveness of the Ministry in Applying Administrative Procedures Building a sense of teamwork among ministry workers Survey Results
Effectiveness of the Ministry in Applying Administrative Procedures Sharing information about the ministry among ministry workers Survey Results
Effectiveness of the Ministry in Applying Administrative Procedures Orienting volunteers to ministry operations ×Keeping ministry workers updated on the budget Survey Results
Role1-10 HoursMore than 10 Hours Leaders33%67% Workers65%35% Time Spent Performing Ministry Work, Past 30 Days
Average Years in This Ministry Leaders: 5 Years (1-23) Workers: 7 Years (<1-49) Survey Results
Does the ministry have sufficient volunteers to accomplish its mission? Yes No 67.9% 32.1% Survey Results
How often does your ministry evaluate activities? 28% After each event/activity 25% Occasionally 16% Not at all 10% Quarterly or Semi- Annually Survey Results
What are examples of ministry accomplishments? Survey Results
Ministry was asked to serve for TD JAKES at JERICO Celebrated two years of service at Allen House Fine dining with youth and their fathers or male role models Visit to the White House after second Inauguration of the first African American president… It was important for the young people to realize that the White House is right here in our back yard and accessible to us. Awesome Assistive Technology Fair Prayer and Worship Habitat for Humanity build project. Ministry meeting- the active members and commissioner met to share our testimonies and ongoing focus for the ministry Fed homeless at two lots and women's shelter - 4th Saturday 3rd Annual Lee P. Washington Day of Service & Pastor Agape Sunday Pastor's 30th Anniversary Celebration Reid Temple Job Fair/ Summer youth employment program
In what ways can the ministry grow to minister and better accomplish its mission? Survey Results
Recruit more members Depends on strong leaders Foster unity and cooperation Increase visibility Pray and stay the course Reach out beyond church walls Encourage bible study Improve flow of communications Provide more training and mentors for members Don’t know It’s doing fine as is. Survey Results
“Funding. As the ministry continues to grow and new ideas are birthed for youth to provide community service, and enhance their spiritual growth the ministry is faced with providing the opportunities needed to attract and maintain youth interest.” What support is needed to sustain effective ministry? Survey Results
“Support from ministry Leaders to train or have an orientation for new members along with expectations clearly defined.” What support is needed to sustain effective ministry? Survey Results
“A ministry is most effective when everyone is involved and committed. Not just the executive committee but every member. Support for our ministry starts within the ministry.” What support is needed to sustain effective ministry? Survey Results
Conclusions/Recommendations Consider informing members how leaders are selected Support efforts to recruit and retain volunteers in ministries Improve communications among ministry volunteers and across ministries
Conclusions/Recommendations Provide a brief handbook (one document) where ministries can find support within the church to advertise and promote their service to members and the community Provide support and training for ministry leaders and workers on evaluating their ministries
Next Steps Impact Evaluation Logic Model Development Strategic Planning for Ministry Reid Temple Ministry Evaluation Tool Kit Final Phase of Implementation
TIMELINE: We propose that ministries will begin to be contacted in February and that there will be quarterly updates as follows: BEGIN SURVEY STATUS RESULTS February 2013 March 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 May 2014