All Choir Parent Meeting 7:00 PM
Welcome/Introduction /Opening Remarks Joshua Brown
Madrigal Performance
Fall Successes Enrollment Booster – 225 up from 170 at this time last year Wonderful Fall and Winter Concerts 105 in Region Choirs, 27 at Pre Area, 13 at Area 5 Selected for a Texas All-State Choir 1 Selected for a SWACDA National Honor Choir Dessert Show and Feast were a HUGE success
UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest March – We will know exact times later. We provide transportation to and from. Students must be eligible They will sing three pieces on stage and sightread. Pre UIL will be March 20 during class and ALL clinicians will be coming during class.
Festival di Voce Contest for A Cappella Choir Members Only April 29 during the afternoon/evening. We will provide transportation to and from this event. Parents are invited to hear the group. Women will perform separately from Men. They will stay until the awards ceremony at the end. It will be at Dallas Baptist University Pilgrim Chapel.
CISD Choir Boys Day Out This Saturday at CHS from Boys can come and go as they would like Pizza will be provided for free. If they bring any games or controllers, they will need to be labeled with their name.
Spring Pops Show for ALL CHOIRS Will be pops music with light choreography. Admission will be charged. $5 per person. Students must be eligible to perform since admission is charged. Help us encourage your singer to pass all of their classes.
Course Registration / Student Surveys for Next School Year We WANT your students in choir! They must be registered for choir to be considered for any Auditioned Groups. We cannot hold spots for students who are “on the fence.” We have surveyed the students in choir to help us plan for next year’s after/before school ensembles – Madrigals, Respira and Vivace!
Choir Banquet
Capital Improvements New Dresses for ALL Girls in Choir at NO Cost to Parents New Risers and Possibly New Shells Thank our School Board, Dr. Turner and our Administrative Team for helping us meet these needs!
Booster Portion
Closing Remarks / Parent Questions